Wednesday, 21 February 2024

11-50 (19/2/24) -- Up with the Snow

Today I finished laundry and moved the snow around the car and then tackled a small path out the patio door. Way too much snow there still. Shoveling is very challenging since the snow is a meter deep (or more) in places. This requires one to fill the shovel several times for each foot of clearing. It also means that lifting the snow becomes more onerous since the piles were so high at the start -- some areas are now over shoulder height leaving me to lift the snow head high or more. Given one arm doesn't lift well above the waist -- due to the pins and plate around the elbow -- the work to move the snow 'up' gets less doable. There will be physical pain from using muscles in different ways than usual -- and using different muscles than usual. That will work itself out over a short period of time. I need to continue with stretches and maybe take a nice soak in the tub <smile> and accept that the shoveling isn't quite over yet. 

I often like to listen to music while I move snow around. The varying beats help me change my pace and rest regularly. The title of this song came to mind when thinking of heading out to shovel. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

While I Shovel the Snow -- The Walkmen

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