Thursday, 29 February 2024

11-60 (29/2/24) -- Leap Day

Another Leap Day arrived. The physics behind the need for such a day involves correcting for the Gregorian calendar. This extra day every four years helps to keep seasons happening when we expect them on our calendar. So, another invention of humans to control the passage of time. 

An Irish folk tradition held that women were allowed to propose to men on this day. As a child, I remember asking why Li'l Abner was running away from Daisy Mae on this day. Even then it seemed odd to me that women could ask once every four years and that men seemed to run away from the idea. Even more, couldn't they just say 'no' -- was proposing a binding contract with no choice? Why would someone want to marry someone who wanted to run away? I'll admit that with age things are only a bit clearer, but the gender roles have relaxed a bit. <smile> 

A musician from my childhood died 12 years ago today. I chose to share a song that as a child sounded more like what I expected. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!  

It's Nice to be with You -- The Monkees (sung by Davy Jones)

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