Tuesday, 13 February 2024

11- 44 (13/2/24) -- Good Times Roll

Well, its back to the waiting game again. The next nor'easter is expected to arrive this evening -- in a couple of hours. The snow should continue for about 48 hours -- from Tuesday evening to Thursday evening. The storm should move on in the middle of that, while the backside winds will create further snow in the form of onshore flurries and squalls. Predictions currently sit at about 15-25 cm (6-10 in) when it is over Thursday -- depending on the area of the province and the final track of the storm. Now that seems like nothing after the 100+ cm that fell last week. It will create issues since much snow remains after last week. Huge piles still present. 

On the up side, today is Mardi Gras. I am working on a vegetable dish developed in New Orleans. Spinach Madeleine is a Cajun take on spinach mixed with celery, onions, bell peppers (trinity), milk to make a sauce and spicy cheddar or brick. It is baked with a crumb topping. Delish!  That will go with whatever else becomes dinner tonight. <smile> 

I chose a song that ran through my head for most of the day. It has a distinct zydeco sound. Laissez le bons temps rouler!! Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Down at the Twist and Shout -- Mary Chapin Carpenter


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