Thursday, 8 February 2024

11-39 (8/2/24) -- Snow as Metaphor

Leaving the subdivision today, I realized that the snow had created rat mazes for vehicles similar to those I've experienced as a pedestrian. It was tight passing with many people pulling over to let one vehicle by -- still some road hogs that feel the need to be entitled, though  <sigh> Cleanup will likely be measured in weeks not days.The Main Street in town had snow banks removed overnight yesterday. That process needs to happen elsewhere given the inability to see oncoming traffic when entering a roadway (and my area enters onto a highway). 

Looking at the snow today,  some visible changes in height of piles and drifts was evident due to the sunshine and temperatures just above freezing. That offers some hope. When talking about the historic snowfall, it became clear that the snow will eventually leave. There will be some new snow arriving, too. Spring will see the end of the snowfall and diminishing of huge snow piles. In many ways this seems similar to the pitfalls of life. Adaptation to major life changes takes time. It feels difficult and insurmountable, yet things diminish with time -- just like the snow banks. Work is involved in adapting to changes in life, too. It also requires input from a community of people. So, when looking at the towering snow, while I felt claustrophobic, I could see some of them losing their height. That helped me to think and see grief and loss differently. 

I chose to share a song recorded in Regina SK (in May while it snowed outside <smile>). I found it relaxing and the lyrics interesting. Keep safe. Enjoy!

The Shovel Shuffle -- A Canadian Snow Song -- Marie-Veronique Bourque ft. Craig Salkeld, fred Foerster, & Chris Wallace

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