Saturday, 24 February 2024

11-55 (24/2/24) -- Adapt, Adjust, Transform

It as been a grey and rainy day. Some sunshine can help raise my spirits. The snow banks on the patio are slowly shrinking with the warmer temperature and rain. Things aren't disappearing as the 'worst case scenario' fear-mongers had suggested. There may be some pooling and ponding and likely some flooding.  This may occur into next week as temperatures climb will above freezing again. Today the quickly dropping temperatures may result in icy conditions making walking and driving a challenge. Over a 5 hour period, temperatures dropped 11 degrees Celsius, so a bit of a flash freeze. It will get much colder into the overnight. While this appears like a spring weather pattern, winter weather will continue. 

Spring and autumn are transitional seasons. Temperatures and precipitation types run the full range during these times. Spring is not summer as many people seem to expect. It will be a few months of mixed weather, gradually moving from winter-like conditions to summer-like weather. This time of year sees more winter patterns diminish until less winter gives way to more summery days. Transitions generally slow, but some are more sudden. Adjusting to changes in daily life take time. Moving to a new abode creates stress. Moving to a new city adds more stress. Each involves losing a sense of routine and level of comfort. These can be replaced, but it takes time. Experts suggest that it takes living in a new place through all four seasons to make if feel more like your home.  I've move many times in my adult life and find that it takes years to settle in and feel a level of comfort. I am currently in this process. I've lived here for autumn and parts of winter and last summer. I get frustrated when I can't find something that I knew exactly where it would be in the former dwelling. I keep reminding myself that it will take time. There are still things that need to be unpacked or repacked for storage. Once that is complete, things might be easier to find -- I hope. <sigh> 

Lines from a song came to mind as I was thinking through the change processes today. They came from the first and third verses. I chose a version by the singer-songwriter later in life -- it seems to add something to the introspective aspect of the lyrics. The fact that the artist is from my home province helped somewhat today, too. Kepp safe. Enjoy! 

Both Sides Now -- Joni Mitchell 




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