Thursday, 22 February 2024

11-53 (22/2/24) -- Concept & Construct

Clouds filled the sky today with snow falling by early afternoon. A rainfall warning is in place for the weekend. With frozen ground and huge snow banks, rain may pond and snow melt may increase. In short, flooding may be an problem. The rain is to be followed quickly by a hard freeze. More weather distress is not desirable. <sigh> I was out in the snow for an appointment and some errands downtown today. When I walked to the mailbox, I had a good chat with a neighbour. That is when I realized how wet the large snowflakes were. I kept brushing them off my coat, which caused my gloves to get very wet. In turn, this made my hands very cold. I'm not sure I've mentioned it before <grin>, but I am really so over this season, which never has been my favourite.

At lunch with colleagues today, I mentioned how time can fly by and yet seem to drag -- simultaneously. This led to an interesting exchange about the non-linear nature of time. A colleague noted that time is a human construct and there really is just the now. I will ponder that one for a while and hope to continue the conversation at a later point. <smile> 

A song title came to mind today that fit well with my ponderings. It is from the psychedelic genre. It has a relaxed feeling to it. I love the line "I really want to know" -- explains much of how I've approached the journey thus far. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Time of the Season -- The Zombies


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