Monday, 5 February 2024

11-35 (4/2/24) -- Blizzard!!

Day three of the "prolonged snowfall event" involved an all out blizzard with major winds and horizontal snow. Drifts began early in the day and only grew with time, snow and wind. The house next door had a drift on the south side that nearly reached the top of the kitchen window by sunset (things continued to blow after that but it wasn't easy to see changes). The high piano window just under the eaves was half covered by sunset, too. The north side of my place is just across from that, but was clear to the ground. I had drifts on the patio that grew to about the handle of the patio door. My only outing was to shovel a trench to the heat pump to clear the drains, intake and exhaust. That was a challenge as the snow was densely packed and I was shoveling into the wind. Into the evening, the wind gusts sounded like a train and caused major vibration in the house. My neighbour shoveled by my front door so the porch was clear. No major drifts on the porch, but those around the car were impressive. The north side had a passable space, but the back and south side have drifts to the roof -- about 5 feet high. That is the area that the management company will deal with. 

The claustrophobia felt worse today. I pulled curtains so I didn't have to look outside and be reminded that the snow was slowly burying everything in sight. It is not doable to get out to the street on the day this all stops. It will take some time. There isn't anywhere to put the snow with major ground cover depths. I've not seen anything like this since White Juan, the nor'easter that shut down the province three months after hurricane Juan. This one is leaving far more snow. We passed that mark yesterday. Record setting snowfall isn't something that I had on my list of things to do. <smile> As I type the drifts out the patio door are still growing. Time to shut the light off so I can't see more out that window. 

Lyrics of the selection today carry some of the anxiety that I've been dealing with -- the waiting and not knowing what will happen. The tempo feels a bit frenetic while the vocals and music are almost calming. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

All About Waiting -- Dhani Harrison


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