I woke this morning with a migraine. It has been a while since the last one. The pain brought tears early in the day. I rested and slept most of the day. I did go to check mail an found the pile of snow from the street plows was higher than yesterday. That makes this another week with no mail delivery or ability to pick u. I was told to make a couple of phone calls. I called Canada Post to report that their community mailbox was inaccessible due to snow piles from street plows -- again. They will have it cleared by their local contractors by Tuesday (Monday is a holiday). Then I called the county office to see if the plow drivers could push snow elsewhere to make it easier for the other contractors to clear a path to the box. They were going to send a couple of the drivers over to see what might be possible for next snowfalls. These drivers are still busy clearing roads from the storms earlier in the week and the mega-storm last week, so I felt odd asking them to do something else. At least both parties involved have been notified and are on the case. <smile>
While resting today, I listened to an interview with a favourite singer-songwriter who recently released the first recorded original song in 17 years. The video was made with AI and is quite effective for a song looking back while thinking of the future. I think of the lyrics as a description of re-finding the lost interests and passions in life. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Turn the Light Back On -- Billy Joel
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