Sunday, 13 April 2014

Day 103 -- report and MOOC work

Cool outside today but some sun before the clouds began to appear late in the day. There was talk of snow and rain and freezing rain or ice pellets overnight. We'll see. Tomorrow is to be much warmer  with a possibility of thunder storms. It must be spring. I did see the early shoots of bright yellow crocuses on Main Street. Mine are still under that last bank of snow in the front yard. They will pop up as soon as it is gone. I love the purple, white and yellow crocuses in the lawn and the purple-blue of the periwinkles. These always announce spring -- it does give one hope of further blooms and leaves and such.

I spent the day indoors working on two reports that are due by mid-week. Since it was chilly, a furry friend slept close to me much of the time. <smile>  I even spent an hour working on the online course I'm taking about culinary icons of the American food scene -- this is our last week. We have learned about Julia Child and Henri Soule who brought French cooking to the American public on TV and in a restaurant. We then learned of the fantastic editing career of Judith Jones, who was editor for Childs, Jaffrey, and Beard, among others. This final week deals with simple American cookery promoted by James Beard. I haven't done a MOOC before and this is fun -- though timing has been a challenge. The sequel to this course is a 6-week one beginning in one week. I am very tempted to take that, too. The discussions are interesting with class members from around the world and the inside stories of  the famous folk are quite special.  It really helps to make them 'real' and not just photos or voices or books.

The selection today deals with a lazier Sunday -- I am planning one for May <smile>. I love the production with the birdsong at the beginning.  Soon, right? <smile>  Enjoy!

Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon -- The Rascals

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