Sunday, 20 April 2014

Day 110 -- Wishing Distances were Shorter

Its been another ordinary day <smile>. Graded exams and calculated grades most of the day. It was sunny outside and I'm sure my crocuses will be out in another day or two. They are in a rather shaded spot, so are later than many others in town, but I love them and they are worth the wait.

I spoke with family on the phone today. This country is so big and people are often separated by large distances. Someone I knew drove from New Brunswick to Alberta last week -- a very long trip. When I drove from Saskatchewan to Nova Scotia years back, it was a long drive that brought with it the realization of how far it is across the country. Then, when I flew from Halifax to Victoria it seemed we were in the air forever <smile> when it was less than one of the six days it took me to drive less than the distance I flew. I can understand how visitors from Europe seem to think travel between BC and Ontario can be quick by train.  They aren't used to such distances between regions.

So today I chose a song that makes me think of these distances -- actual kilometres and distances of heart and mind.  It is for all of you who are not close by and for all those you know who aren't nearby. Enjoy!

So Far Away -- Carole King with James Taylor on guitar

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