In situations like these, people tend to use platitudes that can just make things feel worse. It will pass, we've gotten through before, etc. I find myself grasping at such empty phrases to try to find a positive in the midst of it all. If I take a few moments and just quiet myself, I expect that would work much better <smile>. Today I heard the words of a great poet and philosopher in my head. People admonished him for his life choices to step off the merry-go-round just as I've been told that this is the life I chose and wanted so what is my problem? Or that I need to work fewer hours (and I really don't have a choice other than stopping work <smile>). So -- I felt a bit heartened when I realized that people not in my shoes can't understand my position, nor I theirs. I will take these comments as an odd way of expressing that people do care and try to move forward.
So -- today's selection is that song that helped me today. Enjoy!
Watching the Wheels -- John Lennon
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