Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Day 113 - riding the merry-go-round

Days like today make me want to just ask someone to let me off the merry-go-round.  There are entirely too many tasks to do and not enough hours to complete them.  Everyone around me is in the same place -- and we are all close to that breaking point.  I find even positive things present themselves to me as problems when one is overwhelmed with work. Another two weeks and things should be calmer as several major items will be completed and gone from our desks.

In situations like these, people tend to use platitudes that can just make things feel worse. It will pass, we've gotten through before, etc.  I find myself grasping at such empty phrases to try to find a positive in the midst of it all. If I take a few moments and just quiet myself, I expect that would work much better <smile>. Today I heard the words of a great poet and philosopher in my head. People admonished him for his life choices to step off the merry-go-round just as I've been told that this is the life I chose and wanted so what is my problem? Or that I need to work fewer hours (and I really don't have a choice other than stopping work <smile>). So -- I felt a bit heartened when I realized that people not in my shoes can't understand my position, nor I theirs. I will take these comments as an odd way of expressing that people do care and try to move forward.

So -- today's selection is that song that helped me today. Enjoy!

Watching the Wheels -- John Lennon

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