Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Day 92 -- Time to move on

The day began with a bout of shovelling, which went fairly well until I'd reached the mid-point of the long, long, long driveway. At that point, the bottom layer of ice pellets reached about 4 to 6 inches in depth from the 1-2 inches earlier in the process. This bottom layer, beneath another several inches of wet snow,  had frozen to the ground and would not budge with anything I could throw at it. So, I picked up the two shovels and walked back into the house, where I called for help, changed clothes, and walked into work.

When I got home tonight and found that the help had dug not only through the stuff behind the car so I could at least get out into the street -- one has to get groceries after all -- but finished the walkway that I had abandoned and then dug around the side of the house and cleared the back entry way. It was an amazing feeling of freedom. Not being able to carry on as usual brings an overwhelming feeling of being trapped. Winter, especially this year, has brought way too much of that heavy mental weight. Today and yesterday I'm not sure how many times I said to others and to myself, "I am so over this." Granted winter is my least favourite season and it isn't the cold that bothers me. I am from the prairies after all <smile>. But, most bothersome is the feeling of stress and dread from not being sure if the roads were clear or slippery or filled with ruts.So, today I decided that I have had enough.

A somewhat corny song came to mind during the day. The more I've thought of it, the more I think this is my anthem to winter. My only complaint is that it may be too polite based on what I'm feeling, but then I am Canadian after all <giggle>.  This version has been usurped by many other covers though I can't fully understand why. Enjoy! (and forgive me this one time <smile>)

Release me -- Engelbert Humperdinck

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