Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Day 98 -- one down, more to go

I completed the grading for one course today. While I only have a few hours of 'freedom' before the next (and last) round arrives with final exams, I will admit that I feel a little lighter at this moment. And isn't that what it is all about? Living in the moment. I suppose I could obsess on the pile of exams that will arrive tomorrow and again next week along with the myriad other writing and project work that lies ahead this month. But, tonight I plan to just enjoy the moment without a red pen in my hand <smile>.

I know I often write about frustrating aspects of work, but I also write about some of the joys of work and of time away from work. It seems some days when things get overwhelming, we have less reserve to pull from to get ourselves back into that better space. As you can guess, music can help me do this, just like sharing thoughts and reflecting on the day here can help me. So -- message for today -- live in the moment and like my 98 year old friend often says, "Don't wish your life away." <smile>

There has been an advertisement on PBS in the past week about a music special and one of the songs from long ago came through the speakers. Well, that song fits my feeling at this moment. Enjoy!

Glad all over -- Dave Clark Five

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