Hmmm. Looking at the cost of basics today had me thinking of how one is to be able to retire. Savings and RSPs are necessary, but how much is enough? All the planning tools I've seen are based on 'educated guesses' -- another area of crystal ball gazing in the guise of evidence, it seems. <smile>. The tools say that some costs become less after one retires and this often mentions clothes. Based on the fact that I live where there are few age-appropriate clothes available, I do spend very little on clothes over a year. I expect this may actually increase in retirement, but not likely by much. So, relying on a reduction in that budget line leaving more for another budget line appears to be pure folly. Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket or two to help with feeling secure (though according to my e-mail messages I've now won billions of euros). <smile>
Lyrics from the selection today reveal that I am not alone in the worries sustaining self through life <smile>. There were many potential songs to choose from on this topic, but this one seemed to float to the top of my mind. Enjoy!
Money, money, money -- ABBA
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