OK. I have three degrees and none of these are in math. I did take calculus and statistics as an undergrad and then took twice as much statistics in my masters program -- that even became my ancillary subject. While that may sound impressive, it likely projects a false sense of ability <grin>. So, why am I telling you all this? Well, it seems that I miscalculated a milestone date for the blog. I was off by a week -- as in 7 days. Not too sure how that occurred, but it did. What this means is four days ago the 2000th post was made to this blog. That comes from 5.5 years of daily blogging. I know I've said this before, but I wasn't sure I'd get a full year done let alone surpass those 365 days. I should take my own advice -- never say never <smile>. Similar topics arise repeatedly, though I truly hope that most of these have moved upward in a spiral instead of simply revisiting the same thing with the same comments. Elevating the comments even a little can indicate a modicum of growth. And if you'd like the fancy dancy word for that thought process, it is Hermeneutic Circling. Use it at a party to impress someone, but do it before imbibing too much as it can be tricky to say. <smile>. Songs have been reused, but I've found that the topic they represent may be a bit different most times.
I know people read this. Some apologize for not reading daily -- like I have a book of folks to unfriend should they not be anal retentive about reading <giggle>. I think I'd keep writing just for me even if no one else checked in to see what's up. This wee place falls in the public sphere, so people from anywhere in the world could drop in or a search engine could send someone here. That aside, I find writing here allows me to flex my creative muscles every once in a while. It also helps me to work through events and concepts as I'd noted as a goal in the inaugural post. I have found it relaxing at the end of the day to reflect and to listen to a song or two. Finding new-to-me artists and songs is delightful. I now keep a list of new songs of heard and thought they might fit a topic someday. Some have while others haven't -- yet. <smile>. I guess the bottom line is this blog has given me an outlet for my thoughts -- throwing them out into the universe so to speak. I thank my friend who dared me to do this for a year. Who knew?!
The selection for today covers the original hopes and dreams for this blog. Those goals continue as growth and understanding this world is a lifelong quest. The lyrics and melody are inspirational, since this was written for the 1988 Olympic games. The singer always did well with a power song like this one. Here's to the next 2000 <grin>! Enjoy!
One Moment in TIme -- Whitney Houston
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