Saturday, 22 June 2019

Day 6 - 173 -- Nothing for Nothing

Where did the time go? I feel ready to collapse into sleep and yet things didn't get done as I'd hoped today. Some laundry and household chores were done, but more awaits me tomorrow. The planned writing work did not manifest itself. Again, bits were tackled, but the big parts still require major attention. I did have a wonderful chat with a friend on the other side of the country, so the day was not a write off <smile>.

Outside the windows the weather was cloudy, grey and damp. Perhaps this weather system has affected my energy levels today. It would be easy to blame something external to me, wouldn't it? But, I fear I must take some of the blame for not being fully engaged with things today. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow's anothah day" in her best southern drawl. It does take effort to drop into the zone needed to focus on writing tasks. Yet, I often find myself daydreaming instead. So, I won't chastise myself too much for today, but will work to find some time tomorrow to complete the paper. It would be nice to just spend a bit of time Monday proofing things and then send it on its way to the editorial folks.

I found an interesting song that caught my eye due to the title -- sort of where I am today. The lyrics bring the concept of hope to a dismal existence. I enjoy the singer's voice and the enticing rhythms. Enjoy!

Nothing Yet -- Tracy Chapman 

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