Monday, 17 June 2019

Day 6 - 168 -- A Day of Confusion

Another sunny day appeared after a cloudy start to the day. The day was filled with emotions that I just can't fully pinpoint. I was trying to get back to a writing project, but felt disoriented. This left me  wondering what was at the root of the inability to begin the project. This should take two or three days to complete and polish, yet here I was sitting there trying to figure out what was going on inside me. After some time, I walked out to pick up a couple of things. I took some time to wander two stores looking gor potential gifts for upcoming events. Walking felt good, but it didn't shake off the feeling of being blocked somehow. I chatted with a friend and then just sat down, opened the file and did my best to begin the process. Some work was finished, but much more left to do. Completing references is often mind-numbing at best, and that delightful task still lies ahead. <smile>

The inability to find a cause for the mental barriers today was frustrating. I didn't feel overly happy or sad, just somewhere comfortable in the middle. Maybe this will remain an enigma, or something will surface in the future to explain. It may just be one of life's little mysteries. A song title and chorus line came to mind to explain the only part of how I felt that was clear. <smile>  I love the band and the lead on this one is so delicate. Enjoy!

I Can't Tell You Why -- The Eagles

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