Wednesday 19 June 2019

Day 6 - 170 -- Amazing Question

At a social event today -- a strawberry social <smile> -- someone asked me a question that I wasn't prepared for. The man I spoke with was moving into the retirement realm. I've been there for less than a year. When speaking of the research work I had on my desk, he asked me, "What motivates you?" Wow! I paused, clarified that this was in reference to moving to a new place in retirement, and paused again. In that short time, I noted that I'd always found this to to be the 'fun stuff' that I entered academia to do. I have two great colleagues for different projects and we actually laugh at our weekly meetings. The topics involved need to be shared, since others haven't done things from the same perspective. From those, I knew I was where I wanted to be for now.

I understand the trepidation of crossing the void to something new. Much of identity is wrapped up in our work -- actually a vocation. Letting that go can bring some fear of losing sense of self and purpose. If you are open, other projects will present themselves. Trying things on for size is reasonable. If it brings more resentment that your time is not your own, move on to another enterprise. Take time to figure out what is important to you and what interests you the most. It could be reading, taking a course, traveling, cooking, volunteering, or a combination of these and so many other goals. I still have many questions to answer. Answers for each will happen in their own time. No need to have all the answers before making the big decision. One at a time seems perfectly manageable.

Some of these ramblings made me think of a song that tells a bit of a story. To me, the goal is to recognize when something is not working for you and find a way to quit and move on to something new. Life is too short to be stuck doing something that doesn't bring a degree fo joy. The lyrics express the introspective thoughts of someone needing to make a change for the sake of self and identity. That's how I see this one today. Enjoy!

Who Are You? -- The Who

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