Saturday, 15 June 2019

Day 6 - 161 -- Processing Thoughts

The word of the day has been exhaustion. Events of the past few days left me emotionally drained. Most of this was from positive experiences with a few travel bumps added. For an introvert, large crowds can be tiring. When at the center of attention, while positive, energy drains away quicker. Processing all the sensory input requires energy both during and after an event.

While I completed the usual weekend laundry and grocery shopping on this Monday, I found myself working through the events of the past week. I often found myself thinking 'did you say that line during the speech?' This is not far from the night after the lecture. I woke often with my brain telling me 'this is the next line.' My response was trying to tell my brain to shut down now since that lecture was over. I had a research presentation the next morning that the brain paid not attention to that at all. Situations such as this, adds to the mystery of how a brain functions. It doesn't always make sense. Granted, more stress had been in place for the lecture, yet the stress doesn't fully leave when that was over. Not recalling if I'd stated all points planned in the talk surprised me. I had practiced well enough that I was sort of in the zone on autopilot while speaking. That is not common when I speak to groups - so yet another experience to process. I wrote notes during the day, so I wouldn't forget some parts that needed some unpacking. All the processing of details and major aspects of the days will take several days up to a couple of weeks. Getting past the overthinking of things to reach the key points does take time. Remaining patient becomes an additional challenge <smile>.

A lyric that contains much of the pondering of the day came to mind to share here. Noted are the difficulties resting when the brain hemispheres battle it out while we try to sleep. The repeated title phrase throughout the lyrics mention what I think of often, but don't know how to change -- or if it is possible to change <smile>. Enjoy!

Think Too Much (a)  -- Paul Simon

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