Saturday, 15 June 2019

Day 6 - 162 -- Change Needed

This day wasn't sure whether to be cloudy or sunny and it changed rapidly all day long. I still feel a buzz from the events of the past week. When speaking about it, though, I was told I was being overly humble. (Can one be 'overly' humble?) Much of the comments and discussions with people at the conference last week may not fit with how I see myself. Inspiring others seems to me to be outside my wheelhouse. Yet, as someone noted there is evidence to the contrary <smile>. Now that spoke my language <grin>. Processing the reactions of others -- all very positive in nature -- presents a challenge. Would it be easier for me to accept negative reactions? That is the way my brain heads often, expecting the worst outcomes. The word for that is catastrophizing -- much as I dislike making verbs out of nouns <smile>. My goals had been to start conversations and thinking by audience members. This can't be measured easily. Yet, the comments and stories shared with me after the lecture provided the evidence that my words had done that. Perhaps it is the power aspect of the words that makes it difficult to accept the degree of success in reaching the goals I'd set. They were high. So, maybe expecting to fail came from that. Learning from the patterns of the past and present, could assist with alterations for the future..

Changing habits can be difficult. Exercising more takes time. Eating differently can feel less satisfying. Thinking in a way that sees self differently feels impossible. These types of altered habits provide healthy lifestyle changes. While we may not be able to fully change existing behaviours, we might be able to move to a place where the healthier habit exhibits itself more often than the less healthy habit. That could work. Such behaviours are not totally dichotomous - do or do not. Perhaps thinking in terms of  'do more' and 'do less' could help to reach that goal. More and less can be difficult to visualize, but if we keep hold of a snapshot of what habits look like now, we have a comparator.

I heard a song while on a plane a week ago that reminds me of the thoughts of the day. The lyrics are interesting and the vocals are amazing. The unplugged nature of the production brings together the lyrics and thoughts so well. Enjoy!

Maybe It's Time -- Bradley Cooper

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