Saturday, 8 November 2014

Day 312 -- Thanksgiving, Moonlight, & Harmony

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving. Granted, it is neither Canadian nor American Thanksgiving -- but our own small Thanksgiving. Several of us were not up for celebrations last month, so we postponed things until today.  The meal was filled with amazing vegetable dishes to complement the turkey.  A turnip-carrot puff, Brussels sprout bake, a beet and chard salad, and fluffy, mashed potatoes.  And a pear cranberry crumble pie for dessert. It was fantastic! It is always fun to get together with friends and relax for a few hours while enjoying great foods. It helps us all leave the stresses of work behind us for just a bit.

On the way home the sky was clear, revealing a bright full moon. Last night it was only partially visible through the mist. The colder, crisper air today made it seem much clearer. (The temperature fell from just over 60F (15C) to below freezing today causing some snow and ice pellets early in the morning). It was a treat to be able to see the sky, even briefly, this evening.

These thoughts brought a number of songs to mind. Two in particular stuck around longer than the others, so they are the duo selected for today. Each of these songs contains harmonies that I enjoy. The first is by a singer that I heard often growing up, with this song being one that I've known by heart since being a wee one. The second is a duet that is much newer and yet has a voice from my childhood and one from much later in life. Great harmonies both. Enjoy!

Carolina Moon -- Connie Francis

Moonglow -- Tony Bennett and k.d. lang

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