Sunday, 30 November 2014

Day 333 -- Strolling the Main

Today was "Shop the Neighbourhood" day -- an anti-mega-corporate-shopping-mall-big-box-store response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  So -- I went out and walked Main Street to frequent the many independent merchants with shops there. It is always enjoyable to spend time and walk the street window shopping, browsing and people watching. It is rare not to run into someone I know at least well enough to say 'hello'. It is a small town after all -- not that I have any degree of fame or anything <smile>.  I found a few small gift items and some other gift ideas that I may return for later.

It was a perfect day for a walk. The sun was shining. It required adequate outerwear as there was a slight wind chill. Nothing like friends and family on the prairies are dealing with, but it is a damp cold here <grin>.  I was glad to have a number of interesting places to enter to warm my face before moving further down the block. The Christmas window displays are lovely and the evergreen bough spheres are hanging from the lamp posts all along the street. While I only spent an hour browsing, it was a fun break from housework and grading.

Today's selection is from an old movie -- like 1949 -- On the Town. Main Street plays a major role in most smaller towns and cities. It is the centre of social actions as well as commerce. This song reflects that importance. Enjoy!

Main Street -- Gene Kelly ft. Vera - Ellen)

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