Monday, 17 November 2014

Day 321 -- Personal Losses

The past 36 hours have brought sadness to two colleagues. They each have lost a parent.  I will admit to thinking a lot about my father this past weekend as it has been nine years since he passed. Now, others will be dealing with the freshness of grief -- all I can say is that it gets easier. It never goes away, but it gets easier to move forward.

Grief is a very interesting process. We all experience the same stages of grief, yet the timing of each and the length of the process are unique to each person. There is no formula. It is a path that we each must walk in our own way, seeking guidance where necessary. It can be easy for others to assume everything is all right, including the grieving person. That is, until some emotional outburst occurs -- that leaves everyone wondering what caused it. This isn't always a huge outburst, but a sharp word or a tear when these are not part of the usual behaviour. So, to support those going through the process, understanding is needed -- and a bit more tolerance than might be most common.

A song for loss can be challenging to avoid being too maudlin. I settled on one that provides some hope and peace -- two goals of grief. Again, I'm going with the original rather than a cover version today. Enjoy!

Blackbird -- The Beatles

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