Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Day 316 -- Pain in the Neck

For the past two weeks I've been battling with neck pain -- spasms that sometimes head halfway down the back.  I've been to my wonderful physio, but this event seems rather stubborn.  I was feeling things were a bit better today as I was at work.  After leaving the office I went for a walk. That's when I realized that turning to look at store windows or to check for traffic as I crossed the street, that I was turning from the waist and shoulders. So, more physio visits in my future. I will admit to being a bit of a wuss with some pains, and this is one of them. Others I can manage without too much melodrama <smile>.

Pains of one sort or another are part of the lives of most adults. Coping with the pain and keeping the forward momentum, is a learned skill. As with many daily hurdles, one begins to adjust. Recurrent flare-ups of one type of discomfort or an another remind us that we are alive and perhaps, not to take the good days for granted <smile>.

I will admit to smiling as I walked down the street tonight  when the song title for today ran through my mind. Though the song deals with mental and spiritual pains, I heard it today from a physical pain standpoint.  The song is somewhat mellow and even relaxing in an odd way. The video can detract a bit with the subtitles, but this is the best quality sound I could find -- so feel free to turn away from the screen and just listen <smile>. Enjoy!

Everybody Hurts -- R.E.M.

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