Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Day 365 -- Past Reflections and Future Hopes

Well -- today marks the one year point for this blog. I began this on New Years Day 2014 when challenged by a friend to move beyond my usual holiday music days on Facebook. I had never blogged or even followed many bloggers, so the process was a new challenge for me and now a new skill to add to the CV <smile>. While some days aren't as insightful as others, I feel that is an accurate representation of daily life -- they aren't all stellar nor do they all contain major breakthroughs. Yet, the small events and thoughts help us work towards the larger changes that occur over the long-term.  Change -- it has been the theme of many entries. Perhaps that reflects the nature of life -- things don't remain constant. I work to ensure that life doesn't stagnate. While parts of it are difficult to alter at times, other parts present the opportunity for a change or a new experience. My advice to everyone is to take that opportunity and see where it leads you. All experiences provide learning opportunities -- the doors to growth and development.

Have I learned this year through this blogging process? Indeed, I have. Spending time at the end of a day to reflect on events and thoughts has helped me to see many things in different lights. It has allowed me to understand aspects of self and left me with further questions to explore. It has helped me to come to terms with some of life's challenges. It has been enjoyable, too. I've appreciated how  this space has allowed me to use the creative and artistic parts of my brain more regularly. I've found a few new musical selections and seen more familiar ones from a different viewpoint. I'm still amazed that others read it <smile>.

So -- today as we bid the year farewell, I want to share two selections. The first fits with the New Year's greetings that abound today but with a slightly different wish for the future. This song was reintroduced to me by a friend recently. The upbeat tempo defies the lyrics and really brings a hopeful feeling to bear. The second selection was chosen since there is no other song that says it quite like this one.  For while I've been pondering and writing, you have been reading. So, we are no longer separated, but share the ideas and music.They are no longer just part of me. I enjoy the poetic, metaphorical, and  '60s feel of this selection. And it is a favourite of the friend who reminded me of the first selection today, too. <smle>. Happy New Year to all! Enjoy! 

Hope of Deliverance -- Paul McCartney

Tapioca Tundra -- The Monkees

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Day 364 -- It ends not with a bang, but a winter

Today held a few highlights. It began with a look out the window only to see a white world. This was not forecast last evening, yet there were flurries throughout the day. Not heaps of snow -- but enough to move with a shovel  -- easily.  Another couple of inches have fallen since I moved the first fell.  This wasn't the way I'd hoped to see in the next year -- regular readers will know my views on snow <smile>.

This afternoon, I had a great chat with a dear friend. I'm glad for phones and internet to make the distance seem less than it really is.  I plan to call a couple of other friends from home in the next few days and will even have a couple visiting here at the end of this week. Friends are key to life.

Work for the paid position was done today to get some materials onto the course websites for next Monday. It seems that January 5th couldn't possibly be less than a week away <smile>.  I will spend several hours tomorrow to get the slides together for the first day and complete the first week (at least) on Friday and Saturday.

The selection for today is one that I love, despite the topic <g>. The harmonies and singers involved are delightful. Somehow this upbeat song has just been running around in my head all day. Go figure! Enjoy!

Snow -- Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, & Vera-Ellen

day 363 -- Change Processes

It seems this is the time of year when everyone begins to look to the New Year and make plans for how they want to change. One of the main areas people choose for change is health related behaviour -- smoking cessation, altered eating patterns, different physical activity levels.  These 'resolutions' place extreme pressure on individuals since these plans expect major changes to occur in short periods of time. Often neglected are the reasons behind current behaviours. Our attitudes, beliefs and values play huge roles in everything we do.

Changes should be gradually implemented -- baby steps.  To change ingrained attitudes or values will take time. Knowledge alone does not fully support a behaviour change. It may be the impetus, but the follow through will need alterations in many other aspects of our psyche and social interactions. Backsliding is part of the deal. It is integral to any change process and should not be seen as the ultimate failure. We need to be kinder to ourselves and to others as change processes are under way. The more times we try, the more likely we are to succeed.

So, where did this all come from? <smile> I've encountered several comments, online notes and mediated messages that made me think about the social and marketing pressures put upon people as the new year approaches.  One of these is the selection for today.  This advertisement is not meant to promote the company involved, but to show a changed marketing technique that involves the concepts presented here. It makes us laugh while telling us the truth about ourselves -- an interesting communication method. I still see many sides of the message, but chose to share it anyway. Enjoy!

If You're Happy -- Weight Watchers commercial

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Day 362 -- Looking Forward

Today was another day filled with cleaning and decluttering, ending with a sense of accomplishment, though there seems so much more that needs to be attended to. This coming week will involve more decluttering of files to turn ideas into things more cohesive. Much of that can be fun, though drudgery does have its hand in the mess at times.  So -- looking forward today.

Pondering the future can be exciting yet also filled with anxiety. It becomes interesting to see how what we do today can affect what comes tomorrow. This does not mean living in the future or trying to escape today, for that would mean not living in the moment but simply wishing one's life away. It is more looking forward to something in the future -- life events, a movie release, a visit with friends. All in all, it comes from a place of positive feeling. When the negative thoughts creep in, anxiety accompanies them.  The goal becomes to minimize the negative self talk and focus on the positives. Some days this is easier said than done, but the journey isn't meant to be too smooth. <smile>

When thinking through this today, I heard snippets of the song shared here.  I find the lyrics carry some deeper thoughts about looking forward. Enjoy!

Anticipation -- Carly Simon

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Day 361 -- Preparing for a New Beginning

Today, I began to get through the year end cleaning of house, clutter and thoughts. Lots of housecleaning today and more sorting and clearing tomorrow.  I always do this sort of thing so that there is a fresh beginning for the New Year. Part of the process is to clean away the old dirt -- like spring cleaning but in December, this involves getting out the new linens and clothes to use and wear in the new year.  My grandmother and a friend from her childhood exchanged tea-towels at Christmas every year. This ensured that they each had a new towel for the new year. Often these were handmade or decorated towels.  It is a tradition that my Mom and I continue with each other each Christmas. This year she gave me a tea-towel and handmade dish cloths.  Small things, but they mean a lot.

Cleaning through thoughts takes a lot more work. It is exhausting but in a different way than vacuuming. Trying to find a way around some of the negative thoughts so that I feel fresh at the beginning of the Winter term is necessary. Without this, I'd not get through the term well. Managing that inner voice can be challenging, since that voice is the root of anxiety, fear and insecurity. There are several difficult tasks that need attention at the beginning of the year, so getting this somewhat under control could help move through those more smoothly.

Regardless of whether it is clutter you can see or clutter you can feel, removing and reorganizing it all can make it new. The lyrics of today's selection speak to a new beginning. Today the title line ran through my head often. The singer/songwriter is one of my favourites who lived many new beginnings. Enjoy!

Just Like Starting Over -- John Lennon

Friday, 26 December 2014

Day 360 -- Unknown Measures of Success

Spending today watching some old and some new recorded programs. One of my favourites is an episode from Doctor Who -- Vincent and the Doctor.  A visit to the Musee D'Orsay sparks a trip to Provence to visit Van Gogh. The writing addresses the concept of finding joy even in darkness. There is an amazing description of Van Gogh given by a current day museum expert played by Bill Nighy. In it he notes that this amazing artist never saw the acceptance of his works during his lifetime as many other masters did. Given his struggles with depressive issues, it seems somewhat sad to me. Yet, as the writers noted even from his despair he translated the beauty around him exquisitely.

Van Gogh has been a favourite of mine since childhood.  His bright coloured landscapes and swirling night skies have brought feelings of calm and joy to many. When privileged to stand in front of original artworks by Van Gogh, I've had tears. The gorgeous purple-blues of irises, the blues and golds of Starry Night and the myriad golds and oranges of sunflowers and wheat fields carry with them an exuberance and attention to detail of everyday scenes -- things many of us walk by without really seeing. This man found those mundane aspects of daily life interesting and committed them to canvas for others to view -- though he never knew anyone would find his painting worth tears. Perhaps one reason I enjoy this Doctor Who episode so much lies in the scenes where Vincent is taken to current day Musee D'Orsay to see his paintings and see so many people there to view them. It was something that this man was not afforded during his lifetime.

From this line of pondering, it seems clear that we should take advantage of the opportunities presented and stick to our convictions -- do what we love and know that there will be moments that make a difference to others, impacts that we may never know. So -- random acts of kindness, shared words or smiles, philanthropic acts -- we do have an impact on the world and those in it. Know that and try to find peace with it even when it seems that we are not meeting that 'success' we have defined for ourselves -- for we may not be meant to know how others measure our success. In his own words -- "I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." and "I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart." 

The selection for today also comes from the soundtrack of the 'Vincent and The Doctor' episode. The lyrics encourage us to make the most of our time. The artists are an indie band from the UK.  Enjoy!

Chances -- Athlete

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Day 359 -- Christmas far past

A thought has been swirling around in my head for a few days. During the Christmas season when the focus is on the birth of a baby, I've wondered about the husband and wife involved. The story is one that must have involved a plethora of human emotions, despite their faith.  This is a part of the story that isn't spoken about about much, and I've wondered why. Would it take away from the crux of the tale? I'm not entirely sure this would occur. It would give the reader or listener a deeper appreciation of the struggles involved -- from giving birth in a stable to watching a son grow into a destiny that likely would have been difficult to accept some days.

So -- on this Christmas day, I'm sharing three songs that speak to the back story of the two adults.  One is a traditional carol that I dearly love even if it isn't in English <smile>. The other two are more recent (and in English) songs -- one about the mother and one about her husband. They ask similar questions to mine, and open a window into a broader viewpoint of that day long, long ago. Enjoy!

Ave Maria -- Dame Kiri Te Kanawa

Mary, Did You Know? -- Pentatonix

It wasn't his Child -- Skip Ewing

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Day 358 -- Peace on Earth

Christmas Eve -- a wonderful day of the year. Many families celebrate the holiday tonight, while others celebrate tomorrow. Ours will be a green and somewhat wet and windy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year with the storm that has been making its way up the eastern seaboard and across the eastern part of the continent. Hopefully, this won't impede travel too badly for those making their way home for the holidays.

Today is also an auspicious day in history. It is the centenary of the Christmas Truce of World War I. This informal truce occurred along the Western Front in 1914. German and Allied (British, Scottish, French) troops sang carols together and shared food, cigarettes, games of soccer and held joint burial services for those fallen in the space between the tranches. Some photographs and letters home survive to give us a first-hand description of the day -- the day before both sides were ordered back to the matter at hand -- war. I've found this story very heartening.  The Christmas spirit shone through to move men beyond the conflict, demonstrating the best of humanity.

Today when I woke, there was a song in my head, one that stayed throughout the day. When I was out walking, I realized what the song was <smile>. It speaks to a desire for peace. This is the first selection for today. The second selection contains similar sentiments. Note that this second song is fictional as it refers to a battle that occurred in June 1918; nonetheless, it evokes the feelings of peace on earth. Enjoy!

It could happen again -- Collin Raye

Belleau Wood -- Garth Brooks

Day 357 -- Last minute preparations

Two more sleeps <g>.  Cookies were made today to be iced tomorrow. The decorating that will occur for this year is done -- a bit more had been planned, but it will wait for another year. Wreaths, stockings, tree -- it does make the place look festive.

Tonight I spent time visiting with friends who were home in town for Christmas. That is a wonderful part of holidays, visiting with friends and talking with family back home. I walked Main Street today and ran into several people I know doing some last minute shopping or just wandering like me. It is such fun to see people you know when you head out. It has really lifted my spirits today. The decorations along the street and the cheerful greetings being shared provided a bright spot in the grey overcast day.

The selection for today brings images of Christmas past and present. The harmonies in this one are tight and amazing. The lyrics present the many things that we associate with Christmas celebrations. Enjoy!

That's Christmas to me -- Pentatonix

Monday, 22 December 2014

Day 356 -- A Time of Giving

A day spent working on things for next year and baking for this year. Two trips to the store and I still managed to come home without flour. So cookies wait for tomorrow. I got the Christmas bread made and it seems to look OK. There was enough left for 5 rolls. I'm enjoying a warm one with fresh butter as I type.  It reminds me of my grandmother -- she always had fresh rolls around. Mine aren't as pretty as hers, but they are passable.

While working away today, I began to think of many people who may not have a good holiday season and those who don't celebrate one of the several available at this time of year.  People living with marginal incomes may not find the gift-giving season accessible. For many, having food for daily needs is a struggle, so a holiday feast is just out of the question. There also are others around the world that need assistance. While I fully understand the charity model is not the solution -- merely a short term band-aid -- we find ourselves without the infrastructures to help move people out of lower income situations -- globally as well as domestically. Donations to charities and food banks seem to be higher at this time of year as those of us with enough to get us through a holiday with a bit of cheer -- remember Bob Cratchit making merry? -- find it uppermost in our minds to help others.

Musicians have worked to advocate for policy change globally and for donations to help in times of extreme need. We've seen Live Aid, Farm Aid, Concert for Bangladesh, Live8, and many, many other concerts that raised funds for one global or local crisis or another. The efforts of some individual musicians have continued for decades -- Geldoff and Bono come to mind first, but there are others.  So, tonight (or today) as you read this, think of those in crisis down the block or around the world and see what you could do. It doesn't have to be donating money or even groceries. Find a church or shelter that prepares a holiday meal -- or daily meal -- for singles, low income or homeless individuals and families. Volunteer your time to help cook, serve, clean up or just have a chat with someone who is alone at the holiday. This can help us all see things through the eyes of others -- it can be a very different view of everyday activities.

Today I share three songs that came to mind first today as I pondered.  Each tells the story of a different crisis situation -- different, yet similar in so many ways. The first situation was one I worked on after the initial crisis began to subside -- that was grad school in Winnipeg with my advisor overseas. I try to bring understanding of the third  selection to many from a nutrition and health care stance. I haven't been directly involved in the second crisis, but have worked with similar epidemics. So -- while we take time during the holidays to view the world as it could be, we can begin to visualize our role in that new view. Enjoy!

Do They Know its Christmas? -- Band Aid (1984)

Do They Know its Christmas? -- Band Aid 30 (2014)

Santa I'm Right Here -- Toby Keith

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Day 355 -- The Shortest Day

It is officially winter. There are even snowflakes in the air. The snow won't last long with the rain expected on Christmas day, but it is there now nonetheless. So -- how does one spend the shortest day of the year?  In a bit of a quandary. I went shopping for the last items needed to cook holiday dishes and finished the laundry. When I paused to begin baking, I discovered that the flour that I thought was in the pantry wasn't. So -- I moved on to something else. Tomorrow will be baking evening it seems.

Solstice is an interesting time of year. I love the longest day of the year -- it is a day filled with light and sun if lucky.  In comparison, this shortest day of the year can seem dreary -- dark late into the morning and then again too early in the afternoon.  The bright side of this day is that from now on the days will become longer, leading us back to the vernal equinox and out of winter. Celebrations at this time of year have been around for millennia. The convergence of a number of festivals has been hypothetically linked to the solstice. Whatever the basis, it is a day worth celebrating.

Today's selection is a mix of traditional holiday music and solstice celebration. It is an older rock tune from an intriguing artist that still stands up well. Enjoy!

Solstice Bells -- Jethro Tull

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Day 354 -- Watching Traditions Change

An early posting today <smile>. The world is changing around us. This isn't new as things are always in a state of flux. As someone said once, "Change is the only constant."  Every once in a while though, a confluence of changes bring our attention to the transformation of institutions -- an altering of tradition that brings with it many nostalgic feelings. Quite often we see this when major historic figures die, but it occurs with other endings as well.

Presently the television late night landscape has been undergoing tremendous reconstruction. New faces will begin to appear, while other faces will be found in new venues. Regardless of who the players are, the flavour of late night will be different than it has been for decades.  Middle-aged (and I use that term loosely <smile>) adults are seeing the last of faces and players that have been with them since early adulthood. I would hazard a guess that similar angst was expressed by those adults who were middle-aged when the last major changes in late night personalities occurred. Perhaps it is a rite of passage -- one that brings us closer to the fact that we are older and that the world is making way for a new younger generation. Given that the baby-boomer generation will still be the largest demographic around the world, we should take heart. After all, this demographic controls a fair chunk of disposable income, so marketers will need to pay attention to the grey haired crowd if for no other reason than there simply aren't enough of the next group to support marketers in the manner to which they've become accustomed.

All that said, today's selection is somewhat historic. This performance has become a tradition, but one that will not happen again except for reruns. I love this last rendition -- with a Canadian playing a real piano for a change <smile>. When listening, keep in mind that this amazing singer is 73. Enjoy!

Christmas (Baby please come home) -- Darlene Love

Friday, 19 December 2014

Day 353 -- In need of work assistance

Some rain, some snow, some coolness.  Full on snow fell when I left work tonight. It will be rain tomorrow. Work was a bit less stressed -- some paperwork and a couple of meetings. I am so behind on a couple of e-mail conversations from group projects that those are at the top of the list for tomorrow. Then I hope to do housework that has been neglected and small bits of decorating for Christmas. I always leave things up until Julian Christmas or even New Year, so it seems worth a bit of effort for some holiday cheer.

I have felt a bit lost today -- having spent 6 days straight doing nothing but grading seems odd when you suddenly stop. I have oodles of other things that need to be done -- much of it by next week, i.e., before Christmas, and a few that will happen between Christmas and New Year's. I need to find that rhythm again to get the materials for next term together and posted before Jan 2. Classes begin Jan 5 -- at 8:15 AM. I am not a morning person at all so this is a challenge for any morning, but on a Monday even moreso <grin>.

I've said a couple times in the past two days that I need to find the house elf hotline. I want to leave the list on the kitchen counter at night and wake up to some baking and cleaning completed. <smile>  The selection today may help me find the inside track to get assistance with these tasks <grin>.  Enjoy!

We are Santa's Elves -- from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer animation

Day 352 -- Warm Wandering Thoughts

Today was another very full day. I took time this afternoon to go get groceries <gasp> which did mean that the rest of the of the work went on until 11 PM. But it was nice to get that task done. The list for that trip was much larger than just groceries, but I did run out of time and energy and interest, so it will wait until tomorrow or the next day.  The afternoon and evening were filled with calculating and reading for work.  I'm now settling with chai and plan to watch a show I recorded last weekend before falling asleep.

The weather seems damp with drizzle and mixed precip expected tonight. It will change to a bit of rain tomorrow.  The two potential storm systems for Ontario and the eastern seaboard appear poised to arrive in time for Christmas. So far, that looks like a rain event for our part of the world. It is still a week out, so many things can change. I don't really have faith in forecasts that go beyond 12-24 hours, truth be told <smile>.  Several friends are planning to depart for a Christmas break soon and some have already headed to warmer climes.  Some year I will venture to the southern US or Hawaii for the holidays -- I'd enjoy the cultural as well as climate change <smile>.

The song today was one I heard earlier this week and that has stuck with me.  It brings with it my dream of spending Christmas somewhere tropical -- maybe that is why I've been thinking of the January trip we made to a conference in Hawaii a few years ago <smile>.  Enjoy!

Christmas in the Rainbow State -- Stasia Estep

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Day 351 -- a brief celebration

Oh, my goodness!  I had a productive day today. I managed to get the final Christmas packages off in the mail along with some cards. Then I got the snafu from yesterday reconciled to the best solution for all involved.  All this done in between bouts of grading. I then came home and settled in for the final go -- I told myself I would just keep going until it was done. I'm just that tired of the process and pain (physical from neck and arm) that accompanies this activity <smile>.  I knew if things continued well after midnight that I would stop so that my brain would actually process what it was reading and give everyone the same chance at a somewhat fresh -- well as fresh as possible given the situation -- grader. Well. I finished the whole huge pile by midnight!!!  I will complete calculations tomorrow and get things entered into the master system. All this should be done well before deadline of beginning of workday Friday. So -- tonight will be a brief celebration before moving onto the next items on the work list.

I laughed out loud when I finished. Instead of cheering I sang a few lines from the selection I share with you today. Honestly, it just came out that way.  Brains are such amazing things.  So, there are several artists available online with excellent  renditions of this piece, but the one I've chosen has some fun infused to what can be a bit staid.  Enjoy!

Hallelujah Chorus (Handel) -- Food Court Flash mob

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Day 350 -- Ready for a long winter's nap

So tired today -- had about 4-5 hours sleep last night, which didn't help the 'grading brain' fuzziness.  My last exam was written this morning. Everyone of the large class showed up to write, so that made it a good day. There were a few other smaller snafus that are fixable with some time and energy on the part of several people. I think I should be paid a bonus of some sort for the weight of this pile of exams <smile>. Luckily I had someone to help me carry the lot across campus and back this morning.

I managed to get cards and final gifts ready to mail tomorrow -- I'm hoping the fates are with me and these will arrive somewhat on time. That will be my outing tomorrow as a break from grading this last batch of exams. There was sun and cloud today with a bit of snow flurries that melted as they hit the ground. It was pleasant to walk through that this afternoon -- that moment of peace that sneaks up on you -- the trick is to recognize it and take the time to accept that gift.

Today's selection is something soft and slow -- I need something to help me get to sleep <smile>. It is a classic covered by many artists over the decades. This version is from a Canadian singer known for smooth vocals. Enjoy!

The Christmas Song -- Michael Buble

Day 349 -- Rushing, rushing, rushing

I'm still recovering from the weekend grading binge -- 26 or so hours in 48. Wasn't finished the first set until 11 PM last night, so this didn't get posted on time. Apologies all around.
Spent all day today grading. I expected to be done around 7 PM, but I miscalculated how long it would take and finished at 11. Needless to say I have grading brain -- dizzy and not thinking clearly.  I have to wash my hair and try to eat and get to sleep so I can get up at 6:30 AM to head off to the next exam.  Then -- more grading! <grin>

I really felt like I was rushing all day today, even though things were going rather slowly. It was an odd feeling, that created a bit of additional stress and grumpiness. Imagine that <smile>.  I will still need to add up the marks and enter them into the spreadsheet to calculate the final course grades -- 2-3 hours worth depending on how well I can focus.  I will do that tomorrow.

The song for today ran through my head several times. It embodies the rushing feeling that was part of my entire day.  Both the singer and song are well known. I will let you know that my mother never let me play this song at their house as she found it irritating. I think it could bring on anxiety when one is on the edge <smile>.  So, beware. Enjoy!

Jingle Bells -- Barbra Streisand

Monday, 15 December 2014

Day 348 -- Holiday Wishes

Today held but a single focus -- well almost <smile>. Besides doing a couple loads of laundry, I spent the entire day grading final exams. Several questions are now completed, but several more to go. It is a difficult task that is unlike any other I've ever encountered. I've spoken to many colleagues and it seems this is what it is -- no amount of trying can make it go faster or improve the efficiency. Some work just a few hours a day -- in ideal circumstances. There are years when exam schedules don't allow this and most people I encounter use the binge method of marking and work to get it done -- this often means 10-12 hours daily. I have done up to 16 hours in one day, but only when things were due almost immediately. That is far from ideal <smile>.

From the few glimpses out the window it is grey and a bit rainy -- so still above freezing <smile>. I hope to walk out for milk and to the mail box tomorrow as one of my breaks.  I think it will be good to see other people for a few moments <grin>. One thing that I've discovered today is that there are some very bad take-offs of A Christmas Carol in movie form filling TV screens -- really, really bad. And one particularly egregious Princess Diary wanna be. I'm not watching movies, but have the TV on in the background when I grade to help block out other external noise. I switched to the Weather Network several times to avoid the irritating movies -- though I'm not sure they deserve to be called movies <smile>.

The musical selection today is wishful -- something that comes to my mind at this time of year in particular -- Christmas and final exams. It is written by a Canadian singer-songwriter and carries a wonderful sentiment. Enjoy!

Maybe This Christmas -- Ron Sexsmith

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Day 347 -- Seasonal Silliness

My first exam of the season is over -- well the student's part is over and my grading has just begun. While they were writing, I wrote my annual Christmas letter and addressed a few envelopes for those folks not online. It felt great to get some of those things crossed off the dreaded 'to do' list <smile>.  I still need to put on stamps and walk out to the post office, but that will be a great break from the grading of the next 48 hour binge.  To top it off today, there was blue sky and sunshine in between the rain showers. A great day all around.

Today was the last day before break for several of the students in my exam. They head home tonight or early tomorrow. A number of students lined up for the buses today. It reminded me of when I packed up and went home in December as an undergrad and graduate student.  This added to the 'sparkliness' of the day. The whole package left me almost giddy -- though that could be the lack of sleep or the anxiety over the piles of grading <smile>.

The song in my head today is one that is often used in a sarcastic way, but is a simple, happy song for the time of year. Now this version is unique -- ummm, yes that'ss the word -- unique. <gg>.  It made me laugh out loud and startle the cat. The editing for this is quite well done. Hope it makes you smile despite its silly nature. Enjoy!

Deck the Halls -- Animals of YouTube

Day 346 -- Seasonal Gatherings

Today was another warm day with on and off rain showers. Work activities allowed me time to  review some work for next term as well as address student questions for the exams this term <smile>.  The day ended with the building Christmas gathering  -- always an amazing array of food and great conversations across departments. Tonight did not disappoint. We had wonderful empanadas, salted salmon, vegetarian chili, maple-rum squash, curried lamb, fantastic salads and super desserts -- a dense chocolate cheesecake, blueberry pie, mixed berry crisp, cup cakes, fruit cake, orange rice pudding with Cointreau, and Welsh cakes. the latter were a true delight. I did eat more than I should have, even when filling half my plate with salad and veggies <smile>.

Visiting with new people and seeing children grow between seasonal meetings can be quite invigorating. We often see retired faculty and staff members as well as grad students and post-docs. It is always a fun gathering. Taking time during this time of year that is over-filled with work and personal obligations, seems to add a sense of normalcy to an otherwise less than usual lifestyle. It gives us all time to chat about things other than work and to meet spouses and children (and even grandchildren). I find this helps me to put people into context better as we are all more than our jobs. Such gatherings can leave us with improved understanding of our co-workers and often let us see some of their 'hidden' interests and joys -- a true gift of the season.

I pondered the song for today as there were several in my head. I settled upon one with seasonal wishes that fit the festivities today. Vocals for this version feature a voice that I so enjoy for the old standards and the artist's early hits. Enjoy!

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas -- Rod Stewart

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Day 345 -- Sunny, warm and upbeat

The sun shone today and the temperature climbed into double digits (Celsius). The ground is very saturated and muddy, yet the warmth made it all bearable.  I won't say that I was organized well, but I did get several things done at the office, even if it meant walking to another building three times. I was so tired, it was difficult to hold tasks in my head -- that and way too much to do to keep it all clear.  I did run into several others who were in the same space -- the way-too-tired-with-more-to-do-than-brain-allows look in their eyes. Best that we smile, nod and humour them <smile>.

Tonight I put lights on the tree!  We'll see if ornaments follow next week.  Tomorrow is the building Christmas pot-luck, so I made a shrimp and wasabi spread to take with some yummy crackers. I even got the major gift wrapped and parcelled up for mailing tomorrow. Two days behind schedule, but it should arrive by the 24th.  It helps that feeling of being overwhelmed to get some of these small tasks completed. It doesn't mean that there is any less left on the self-replicating 'to do' list, but a sense of semi-calm has arrived for today.

Even though this song is in heavy play at the stores these days, I still love it. My favourite version is from my favourite Christmas movie. The singer does an amazing job -- breathtaking in places. Enjoy!

All I Want for Christmas is You -- Olivia Olson -- from Love, Actually

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Day 344 -- Passing Storm

Another day filled with meetings, but I managed to get a number of end of term course files moved forward. One course assignment for next term is coming together well after a major discussion with colleagues who will work with students on a practical project. I'm still very tired, but things are looking up a bit today.  Still no parcels into the mail -- it has to be Friday or we'll be into a courier situation <smile>.

Temperatures have risen and we've had drizzle most of the day. Rain is forecast for overnight with a bit of wind. We seem to have been on the edge of the storm so far, but there is still much activity on the radar shots, so it isn't over yet.  I look forward to tomorrow as there is to be some sunshine after the rain ends.  I have no meetings booked tomorrow, so will be able to focus on preparing for the two final exams and then work a bit more on next term courses. I'm hoping this will help me to feel a bit calmer about the multitude of tasks swirling around me that must be done soon. I'm so trying to keep from being pulled into the vortex <smile>. Perhaps the meteorological storm and the metaphorical storm will wane and move on tomorrow.

Tonight is another 'calming' song. I've loved this one for years. It is from an unexpected group. The a cappella style works wonderfully with the voices merging beautifully.  Enjoy!

Riu Chiu -- The Monkess

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Day 343 -- Searching for Peace

Another long day -- I got some final items for the parcel that should go out tomorrow, but will have to wait another day. Four to five hours of meetings daily is cutting into the time to finish the pre-exam work and no time left to get next term basics together. It will get done, but time is running short for everything on my desk and home 'to do' lists.  I will admit to feeling a bit overwhelmed, feeling unable to juggle all the incoming requests over and above those lists.

Tomorrow will bring a stormy wet day. Today felt cold again, so the rain tomorrow will likely feel cold. It would be good to go to the grocery store for a couple things tomorrow, but if there is heavy rain, that will wait another day. I will need to wrap a parcel tomorrow so it gets into the mail and dig out the cards for those not online. I will address these during the exam on Saturday. I started that a few years ago as it was the only time I had -- 2.5 hours to do something for 'me' while invigilating and responding to questions.

Today I chose a song that can give me a moment of peace. The musician is stellar. Enjoy!

Dona Nobis Pacem -- Yo-yo Ma


Monday, 8 December 2014

Day 342 -- In need of a good laugh

For some reason (several actually), today seemed a bit trying. Silly courier delivered two parcels from the US in September. For the first one, they sent an invoice for duty and tax. In October our procurement office called me to ask if the jeans I'd purchased were to be charged to the University! I had to have them delivered to work since the courier only delivers when I'm at work. After the second try they would hold things at the regional office -- over an hour away -- for me to come to pick up. Today I got a letter from a brokerage firm saying that they didn't have a personal account with me, so were returning the paperwork they had and it was now up to me to find the customs office and pay the fees. Why the courier didn't send an invoice for the second parcel, which arrived 3 days after the first, is beyond me. I called to ask and they said without an invoice number (from them) they couldn't tell me why it was sent to a customs broker. Needless to say, I won't order from this company again. They used to send things via postal service which allows 'duty free' up to $50/day (or somewhere close to that). I paid duty on an $18 sweater and now have $58 jeans hanging over my head. Some days bureaucracies are very difficult to deal with <sigh>.

Being grumpy isn't the best way to use energy. Sometimes it is about disrupting my plans to do something for me that doesn't fall within my work or professional life. That happened this evening, so lights not getting on the tree tonight as planned. I do find them restful, but they can be a bit frustrating to put up on the tree <smile> so not a good idea to do it when I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Soon, though, it will occur.  So perhaps my grumpiness is part stress -- the feeling that I can't deal with one more thing -- and part resentment -- taking me from things important to my personal life.  Hmmm.  Grumpy covers a world of emotions, it seems.

So -- when thinking of a song to share today, it had one criterion.  It needed to make me smile if not laugh. This one does both. It is just silly with a group of characters that the world seems to love. Enjoy!

Carol of the Bells -- Muppets -- Beaker, Swedish Chef & Animal ft. Statler and Waldorf

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Day 341 -- The Start of the Tree

Working at the Christmas spirit -- got the tree up. Lights go on tomorrow and then we'll see how that survives. Ornaments would be nice, but we'll see.  Some of the shopping is done and I have 3 small items left to get this week so that the parcels can get out on time -- I believe the postal date for parcels is 3 days from now.  So -- I will need to do the shopping, wrapping and packaging post haste. <smile>

The day has been cool with a strong wind adding to the coldness of it all.  We had rain overnight that cleared away by morning. We expect more rain later in the week with temps below freezing until then. Some sun is expected, too. So, it does begin to feel more like winter and less like fall as we move forward.  It may be perfect weather for baking <smile>.  It would be nice to make a few decorated cookies and maybe a gingerbread cake. The trick is to fit this all in with the work schedule. That is always a challenge for those in academia -- students, staff and faculty.  Things get very crazed in December as the term ends and plans for the January term are put in order.  Taking a break for a holiday is well timed, but the pressures we seem to have to pull together something spectacular can be challenging and can turn the fun into just another job. So -- I'm trying to keep things low key and enjoyable.

Several songs came to mind for today, but one stood out as just different enough to share here. It is a fun up-tempo tune about enjoying the decor with the company of the season. Enjoy!

Two-step 'round the Christmas Tree -- Suzy Bogguss

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Day 340 -- A Wish for Peace

My treat to me today is to sit and watch the special on Bing Crosby on PBS.  I so love his voice and he reminds me of my childhood and my Dad. As a family we'd watch the Crosby family Christmas special every year. It was interesting as a child to see children growing and adults aging all within a musical environment.  One of my favourite Christmas movies is White Christmas (though Holiday Inn is pretty good, too). I found a CD of a Bing Crosby Christmas album that was in constant play in December in my childhood home.

There have been several health concerns with friends and family recently. Four have had surgery and are recovering. Two others have been through testing to try to pinpoint the cause of their distress.  They are in my thoughts often, even if I don't phone or type messages as often as I should. I wish them all peace to help them each deal with the daily banalities that lead to improvement.

Today's selection brings together peace and Bing Crosby -- imagine! <grin>.  This is one from a Christmas special years ago. It was an unexpected pairing when it occurred and I still find it unusual yet perfect.  The voices blend wonderfully as do the two melodies. It has become part of my holiday celebrations.Enjoy!

Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy -- Bing Crosby & David Bowie

Day 339 -- Anticipation

Friday -- a day of meetings and discussions. One meeting was to have had a follow up call mid-afternoon but it never materialized -- so frustrating when a business doesn't follow up after calling to set a time that would work for me.  I had hoped to get some major items moving forward before the end of the day. So, after getting my anticipation amped up, it is less than pleasant to know that this mess will still need to be addressed.  I would have appreciated an e-mail at least to let me know that something had come up at their end to let me free up my time to work with other priorities at my end. That doesn't seem like too much to ask.

That moon was still visible with the clear sky tonight -- an amazing winter white moon.  The sun shone during the day and we saw blue sky for most it. All in all, this was a wonderful day outside, even if it was colder than it has been for days. No wind, though, so it was quite manageable to walk a few blocks to supper tonight. This was a 'just because' supper with friends at a restaurant with an altered autumn/winter menu. Food was great and conversation was fun.  The evening ended with a good phone chat with a family member.

The song today deals with anticipation, a theme of my day -- waiting for the phone call, looking forward to dinner with friends and waiting for news from a family member.  The singer has an amazing Scottish accent, but it doesn't always come through when singing <smile>.  Enjoy!

Waiting for Christmas to Come -- Johnny Reid

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Day 338 -- Festivities with Full Moon

After a full day at the office, I walked out into the parking lot and stopped to stare at the sky and the amazing moon. It looks almost full, but I think it will be another 2 days until it is 'official'.  This evening also brought the first of the Christmas season gatherings. The Department members got together for a wonderful potluck dinner and a secret santa gift exchange. It was fun visiting outside of a meeting or the workplace and chatting with 'plus ones'.

Temperatures are cooling for a couple days, but no major precipitation is expected for a while. The sunny day today and the one expected for tomorrow provide a wonderful break from the grey dismal fall into winter weather. I believe that is what struck me about the moon tonight -- we could see it. Often this isn't the case, many full moons are missed, so seeing it clearly was a pleasant gift.

The song today addresses the moon and the holiday season. It is from an unexpected singer -- at least unexpected to me. <smile>.  The lyrics and tempo are upbeat and enjoyable in the singers unique style. Enjoy!

That Old Christmas Moon -- Leon Redbone

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Day 337 -- Hockey loses an icon

My morning alarm is the television which comes on with the news and weather. Today, the first thing I heard dealt with the loss of Jean Beliveau. It made for a quiet and sad beginning to the day.  I knew almost immediately what the blog topic and song would be today.

Mr. Beliveau was a delight to watch on the ice. His tall frame was most graceful as he fended off the defence, stick handled often with one hand, or made that wicked slap shot. He was humble as a player and for his 21 year career with the Montreal Canadiens and his time in team administration after his retirement, he was an amazing spokesperson for the game -- and for the civility of play. His approach to the game focussed on sportsmanlike behaviour and technical perfection. He was part of 17 Stanley Cups and his name is on the cup 10 times as a player. As a Canadian and Quebecker he was fiercely proud. His family came first, though, as evidenced by his declining the offer to sit as Governor General in order to spend time with his recently widowed daughter and her two girls. Now I am not a huge hockey fan, but I did follow Jean Beliveau during the latter part of his on ice career. The world will miss this amazing man.

The song for today came to mind as I pictured him skating again with some of the other greats he played with over his career. The tune and lyrics have a melancholy tone with imagery that gives the feeling of being on one's own -- but not totally lonely -- at least that's what I get from it <smile>.  It is by a Canadian singer/songwriter that has been featured in earlier blog posts.Skate on, Mr. Beliveau.  Enjoy!

River -- Joni Mitchell

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Day 336 -- Sparkly things

While waiting for a delayed appointment today, I took some time to get groceries. All aisles and the overhead music indicate that the holiday season is upon us -- marketing in full force.  At least they had real recordings of songs and not the older musak style elevator tunes. Many of the product displays denote the holidays -- some more pleasing to the eye than others, of course <smile>.

It is always interesting to see the return of items that are only available during December and discover newer products designed for the holiday season.  I love wandering the decoration and stationery areas. Staring at the sparkly things sometimes can make me feel more relaxed.  I've always felt that way about the tree at home. At the end of the day, I love to sit in the dark with only the tree lights on. For some reason that I will not question, it can bring a moment of peace. The store window and inside displays have always been a source of joy. Today, the displays and some of the music helped me to recentre when I had to wait longer than expected for the appointment made last week. It got me from the "I could have been doing X,  Y and Z" to the "no worries" place in my head.

Coupling the bitter wind chill  and bits of snow in the air today with the holiday decorations at the stores and on the lamp posts led me to a wonderful song. There are many versions of this one that have been done over the years. The one shared today is a favourite. The tempo is a bit slower and less bouncy than others and the timbre of the singer is perfect. Enjoy!

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas -- Michael Buble

Monday, 1 December 2014

Day 335 -- Need for some festive spirit

For the past three years, I posted a holiday tune to the Facebook page during days in December. It was that advent song celebration that led to the birth of this blog. In honour of those historical roots, I plan to continue the December tradition on the blog this year.  So many songs exist, I'm confident that finding ones to reflect daily activities and thoughts will be just as much fun as the other days have been this year.

Today as I've been working on constructing final exams and planning the one last lecture of the the year, I found myself excited by the ending of term and the planning of the next term. Christmas shopping will be a challenge, but it will get done -- it always does -- just as the grading and course plans for January.  A thought crossed my mind about finding an elf that could assist with the household decorations and packaging parcels for shipping. It seems there is nothing listed in the yellow pages. Again, it always gets done to one degree or another.

The song that fit with my feeling today is from a Broadway musical (and a less than stellar movie adaptation). The lyrics deal with the need for a festive feeling. This version of the song is more recent. Enjoy!

We Need a Little Christmas -- The Glee cast