Thursday, 4 December 2014

Day 338 -- Festivities with Full Moon

After a full day at the office, I walked out into the parking lot and stopped to stare at the sky and the amazing moon. It looks almost full, but I think it will be another 2 days until it is 'official'.  This evening also brought the first of the Christmas season gatherings. The Department members got together for a wonderful potluck dinner and a secret santa gift exchange. It was fun visiting outside of a meeting or the workplace and chatting with 'plus ones'.

Temperatures are cooling for a couple days, but no major precipitation is expected for a while. The sunny day today and the one expected for tomorrow provide a wonderful break from the grey dismal fall into winter weather. I believe that is what struck me about the moon tonight -- we could see it. Often this isn't the case, many full moons are missed, so seeing it clearly was a pleasant gift.

The song today addresses the moon and the holiday season. It is from an unexpected singer -- at least unexpected to me. <smile>.  The lyrics and tempo are upbeat and enjoyable in the singers unique style. Enjoy!

That Old Christmas Moon -- Leon Redbone

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