Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Day 365 -- Past Reflections and Future Hopes

Well -- today marks the one year point for this blog. I began this on New Years Day 2014 when challenged by a friend to move beyond my usual holiday music days on Facebook. I had never blogged or even followed many bloggers, so the process was a new challenge for me and now a new skill to add to the CV <smile>. While some days aren't as insightful as others, I feel that is an accurate representation of daily life -- they aren't all stellar nor do they all contain major breakthroughs. Yet, the small events and thoughts help us work towards the larger changes that occur over the long-term.  Change -- it has been the theme of many entries. Perhaps that reflects the nature of life -- things don't remain constant. I work to ensure that life doesn't stagnate. While parts of it are difficult to alter at times, other parts present the opportunity for a change or a new experience. My advice to everyone is to take that opportunity and see where it leads you. All experiences provide learning opportunities -- the doors to growth and development.

Have I learned this year through this blogging process? Indeed, I have. Spending time at the end of a day to reflect on events and thoughts has helped me to see many things in different lights. It has allowed me to understand aspects of self and left me with further questions to explore. It has helped me to come to terms with some of life's challenges. It has been enjoyable, too. I've appreciated how  this space has allowed me to use the creative and artistic parts of my brain more regularly. I've found a few new musical selections and seen more familiar ones from a different viewpoint. I'm still amazed that others read it <smile>.

So -- today as we bid the year farewell, I want to share two selections. The first fits with the New Year's greetings that abound today but with a slightly different wish for the future. This song was reintroduced to me by a friend recently. The upbeat tempo defies the lyrics and really brings a hopeful feeling to bear. The second selection was chosen since there is no other song that says it quite like this one.  For while I've been pondering and writing, you have been reading. So, we are no longer separated, but share the ideas and music.They are no longer just part of me. I enjoy the poetic, metaphorical, and  '60s feel of this selection. And it is a favourite of the friend who reminded me of the first selection today, too. <smle>. Happy New Year to all! Enjoy! 

Hope of Deliverance -- Paul McCartney

Tapioca Tundra -- The Monkees

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