Tuesday, 30 December 2014

day 363 -- Change Processes

It seems this is the time of year when everyone begins to look to the New Year and make plans for how they want to change. One of the main areas people choose for change is health related behaviour -- smoking cessation, altered eating patterns, different physical activity levels.  These 'resolutions' place extreme pressure on individuals since these plans expect major changes to occur in short periods of time. Often neglected are the reasons behind current behaviours. Our attitudes, beliefs and values play huge roles in everything we do.

Changes should be gradually implemented -- baby steps.  To change ingrained attitudes or values will take time. Knowledge alone does not fully support a behaviour change. It may be the impetus, but the follow through will need alterations in many other aspects of our psyche and social interactions. Backsliding is part of the deal. It is integral to any change process and should not be seen as the ultimate failure. We need to be kinder to ourselves and to others as change processes are under way. The more times we try, the more likely we are to succeed.

So, where did this all come from? <smile> I've encountered several comments, online notes and mediated messages that made me think about the social and marketing pressures put upon people as the new year approaches.  One of these is the selection for today.  This advertisement is not meant to promote the company involved, but to show a changed marketing technique that involves the concepts presented here. It makes us laugh while telling us the truth about ourselves -- an interesting communication method. I still see many sides of the message, but chose to share it anyway. Enjoy!

If You're Happy -- Weight Watchers commercial

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