Visiting with new people and seeing children grow between seasonal meetings can be quite invigorating. We often see retired faculty and staff members as well as grad students and post-docs. It is always a fun gathering. Taking time during this time of year that is over-filled with work and personal obligations, seems to add a sense of normalcy to an otherwise less than usual lifestyle. It gives us all time to chat about things other than work and to meet spouses and children (and even grandchildren). I find this helps me to put people into context better as we are all more than our jobs. Such gatherings can leave us with improved understanding of our co-workers and often let us see some of their 'hidden' interests and joys -- a true gift of the season.
I pondered the song for today as there were several in my head. I settled upon one with seasonal wishes that fit the festivities today. Vocals for this version feature a voice that I so enjoy for the old standards and the artist's early hits. Enjoy!
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas -- Rod Stewart
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