Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Day 350 -- Ready for a long winter's nap

So tired today -- had about 4-5 hours sleep last night, which didn't help the 'grading brain' fuzziness.  My last exam was written this morning. Everyone of the large class showed up to write, so that made it a good day. There were a few other smaller snafus that are fixable with some time and energy on the part of several people. I think I should be paid a bonus of some sort for the weight of this pile of exams <smile>. Luckily I had someone to help me carry the lot across campus and back this morning.

I managed to get cards and final gifts ready to mail tomorrow -- I'm hoping the fates are with me and these will arrive somewhat on time. That will be my outing tomorrow as a break from grading this last batch of exams. There was sun and cloud today with a bit of snow flurries that melted as they hit the ground. It was pleasant to walk through that this afternoon -- that moment of peace that sneaks up on you -- the trick is to recognize it and take the time to accept that gift.

Today's selection is something soft and slow -- I need something to help me get to sleep <smile>. It is a classic covered by many artists over the decades. This version is from a Canadian singer known for smooth vocals. Enjoy!

The Christmas Song -- Michael Buble

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