Monday, 10 August 2015

Day 2 - 221 -- Irritating Earworm

Monday -- day of the earworm. I've often wondered what it is that makes a line or two of a song stick in your head and repeat over and over and over until you are quite certain that you will go mad -- or worse yet, that you have already made the journey. Sometimes you hear a song and that triggers the stuck record activity in the brain (and that reference is for those old enough to have had that experience with a turntable). More often than not, though, a song that I don't recall hearing in, like, forever seems to take up permanent residence.

Today I either read or heard the words silver and gold in some obscure reference and that was enough to set the train heading down the tracks. I recall thinking that this reminded me of a song from eons back, Silver Threads among the Gold. Was that the song that took hold? Nooo. Was it Burl Ives singing Silver and Gold? (also from another epoch). Nooo. What was it you ask? An absurdly irritating little ditty from a mediocre movie -- nothing that I really like or wish to hear again. Yet it is stuck cycling two or three insipid lines through my brain for the entire day and into the evening. All I can say (actually I could say so much more <smile>) is that it better leave overnight, or the whole world will hear me scream as the neighbours call for the fellows with the straight jacket. The video contains the offending lyrics as well as choreography that is an afront to dance <smile>.   With that wonderful marketing pitch -- Enjoy!

Pop goes my heart -- Hugh Grant (from Music and Lyrics)

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