Thursday, 27 August 2015

Day 2 - 238 -- A Sense of Belonging

Just another day running errands. It was punctuated with some great chats with a few people. While getting the groceries, the skies opened up and it poured. I discovered that my rain jacket leaks just enough to make the back of the my neck and shoulder blades wet under the coat. A closer examination at home showed that some of the waterproof lining had worn in that area. I hadn't noticed before as the lining is white with black pattern and the tiny tears show the black of the outer coat. So -- I will try to tape these up while I search for a jacket that I love just as much from a style standpoint. One can't live in the Maritimes heading into fall and not own a decent rain jacket <smile>.

Walking through the rain while out this afternoon, I had a wonderful feeling of calm and belonging --  interesting, as there are so many days when neither of those feeling predominate. It left me feeling 'up' even. <smile>  The calmness and peace are welcome visitors - though they should know that they are welcome to visit more often.

The positive feelings made me think of some of the music that can make me feel similarly. I chose a song from that long list to share tonight. The group performing this provide wonderful harmonies and just belong together singing. The lead singer is rock royalty and among the backup singers are his two daughters. Enjoy!

Do it Again -- Brian Wilson ft. Carnie and Wendy Wilson

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