Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Day 2 - 229 -- Celestial Events

Last weekend we had a couple of nights without cloud cover, though it was after the peak viewing for the Perseid Meteor Showers. There is still to be activity until the third week in August, but viewing may be iffy here with fog and cloud cover due to humidity. I've not ever seen the meteors and generally am fast asleep during the best time to view -- 3AM to just before dawn. It is often overcast on the best days to view -- generally around the new moon with a darker sky.

In Saskatchewan this week, there have been major sightings of the Aurora Borealis. I've seen these on the prairies in the summer as well as the winter. They are spectacular and breath-taking. It is understandable that such displays inspire writers and poets, Herman Melville being counted among the latter.

Many songs mention the aurora, too. Needless to say, one song line seemed best to share today <smile>. The lyrics make reference to the aurora along with many other amazing sights. This is the song that was used in Royal Wedding, the movie where Fred Astaire danced around the room -- literally -- an early example of special effects.The singer for the version shared today is still going strong well into his 80s. Enjoy!

You're All the World to Me -- Tony Bennett

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