Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Day 2 - 222 -- Where can I hide?

It is getting to be that time again, when the anxiety dreams begin to sneak in at night and the stress hormones rise throughout the day. I'm working to get a pile of things done before taking some vacation time. Granted, lecture preparation always occurs during the August vacation for a few days, but the goal is to get the other admin pieces for the courses completed before vacation begins. With shifting deadlines for another work project, I needed to move away from fall course preparation to another important task. This means that the next few days before 'vacation' will be fuller than usual. This is not a complaint but just the facts.

When stress levels rise several things occur. Sleep disturbances increase leaving a person tired upon waking to the alarm. Food choices often shift due to biochemical changes in the body from fatigue and stress -- carbs become go to foods with a little fat mixed in for good measure. For me, cookies and cinnamon rolls become much harder to resist. The need to escape the situation causing the stress leaves one with a feeling of needing to hide or run -- the old fight or flight response at play. Once all these are present I look in the mirror and see a cranky, tired, fearful cookie-eating monster <grin>. I hope that others don't see it quite that way.

The song today will make you smile or groan or both. It is from the Prince of Parody -- again -- though this is a parody using the writing style of a more recognizable songwriter. It is definitely for a science geek. Hey, I said I was tired and somewhat preoccupied with finding a great hiding place <grin>. Enjoy!

Pancreas -- Weird Al Yankovic

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