Saturday, 29 August 2015

Day 2 - 239 -- Friendship Highlight of the Day

The day  was one filled with inertia -- little was knocked off the 'to do' list. I picked up a hold book from the library -- something I hope to get to on the weekend. A few chores around the house were done, but other than that little occurred besides resting and an afternoon nap. A good friend joined me for the evening with some yummy snacks and a great carmenere shared with lovely music and good discussions.

Some days things that were planned just don't come to fruition. It isn't clear how this happens, but it does. Perhaps it is a feeling of fatigue or boredom -- it isn't easily explained. It happens when in the midst of many work tasks and when there are fewer tasks on the list. Days like this are when one needs to move outside oneself and spend time with others. Today, sharing the evening with a good friend helped so much.

A song to share today deals with friendship now and how it is seen into the future. Enjoy!

Old Friends - Simon and Garfunkel

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