Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Day 2 - 236 -- Incoming and Outgoing

Much of the day was spent doing monthly accounts (actually done quarterly <smile>). This always seems to take so much time. I've done this since I started university. It has always helped me to see where the funds coming in are going. I have a vague idea, but sitting to go through this with my trusty database program helps show where things seem on track and where they me be heading off the rails. I used to do this with pen and paper and a cheque book, but software has taken over. There are far more bills to deal with now than there were as an undergraduate student, but the basic process remains the same.

Each time I go through this task, it brings many emotions. I understand that I am one of the lucky ones being gainfully employed and things are perhaps easier to manage. Yet, I also remember being unemployed and many years as a student where everything is outgoing and little is incoming. Even then, doing the monthly accounts showed that I could manage and still fit some fun things into life. I've been noting the rising cost of groceries -- and I don't believe I'm purchasing very extravagant items. Just dairy and bread seem to have climbed significantly and fresh produce fluctuates. With a tighter food budget, these items would be difficult to manage.

The song that came to mind deals with those facing tighter budgets. Enjoy!

She Works Hard for a Living -- Donna Summer

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