Saturday, 22 August 2015

Day 2 - 233 -- beginnings of a storm

There was a great breeze today that helped make being outside more bearable. The humidity has been even more suffocating than earlier in the week. Clouds, dark stormy clouds, rolled through the sky. It took some time, but eventually some bits of rain arrived heralded by much noisy thunder. It swung around town for a while first clearing the sky and then covering it over again. Forecasters suggest we will receive more rain overnight and throughout tomorrow. We'll see if it arrives, and if it helps to push this soggy air mass out into the Atlantic.

I still find humidity very difficult to deal with -- makes me feel like I can't breathe well. A friend of mine, who I saw at the grocery store today, was very pleased with the weather and hoped to go for a run later today. She feels able to breathe better when the humidity rises. Interesting -- but then I grew up on the prairies and she grew up in the southern Great Lakes area -- we both recognize that where we've been living for years just isn't like what we are used to - home. It seems that place stays with us and is more than just in our hearts, but in all parts of daily life.

The song that came to mind while the storm flowed around town, deals with something other than just a storm. I thought of it because of the opening and the storm setting for the story. The theme of the lyrics concerns a much darker societal issue. That aside, it still seemed to be the song for today.  Enjoy!

The Thunder Rolls -- Garth Brooks

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