Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Day 5 - 122 -- Deceptive Weather

Being a national pastime, I often write of the weather. It is our obsession, it seems <smile>. Temperatures are slowly rising as spring moves closer to summer, so more warmer days are appearing. Sun shone brightly this morning so my clothing choice included no jacket and a ball cap. As I walked out the front door, the sun disappeared and rain began. As I ran errands spitty rain continued. Once I got to the office, the sun came out again, hid again and appeared again in the late afternoon. The forecast was for mainly sun and no precipitation - go figure.

Deception can be difficult to accept. Today the weather seemed bent on playing the role of trickster. Like the raven or coyote, weather teases and breaks promises. While forecasters often sensationalize and use computer models to predict weather 14-21 days out, those listening to forecasts are left gazing at the sky and hedging bets with clothing choices. Weather changes on a dime and forecasting seems an impossible job. I lived in a small city in SK with a weekly newspaper. On the inside front cover was the weather report but with a twist -- this one reported the weather for the past week. <smile> -- the only one to get it right every time. Feeling cheated or deceived by weather can leave a bad taste. Trust goes out the window. Learning to 'read' the weather charts and radar images can help, but I've always tried to read the sky. Weather patterns differ between regions, so understanding what the sky is communicating takes time when moving around. I do miss the full big sky of the prairies where watching weather move across the landscape is amazing. Living amongst hills and forest means much less sky to interpret -- but still not impossible. 

A song line moved out from the dark recesses today. It made me smile when I paused to listen. Written in first person, it could be heard as what weather is saying to me today. Enjoy! 

The Great Pretender -- The Platters

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