Thursday, 24 May 2018

Day 5 - 143 -- May Flowers

Much rain fell overnight and into the morning today. The dampness made it feel much cooler indoors than it really was. I worked away on a report that took twice as long as expected, but it was submitted and was a day early even <smile>. After work, I headed out to the bank machine and then to dinner with friends. Our meal was lovely and lots of fun conversations added to the relaxed feeling we all needed to experience.

While walking to the bank and then to the restaurant, I noticed that the magnolias were pretty much done. In their place are the most amazing tulips of all colours in the different yards. Rhododendrons have begun to bring the most amazing magenta purple pops of colour along the streets. Fruit trees in the yards have also bloomed. My plum was in bloom on the weekend and the petals blew into the front yard over the weekend with the southerly winds. So so pretty. As the trees are beginning to think of leafing, the early flowers provide more hope that winter is behind us -- though frost warnings and possible snow in the larger Atlantic region are not unheard of in May and even early June.

Flowers can be so lovely. They catch my eye as I walk down the street and take me outside my head -- and get me to pause and breathe -- really breathe. Relaxing plants -- though my allergies have been worse since the blooming began. A catch-22 of sorts, I suppose. A silly song came to mind when thinking of the foliage today. I've chosen one of the original recordings rather than the one we all likely know. Enjoy!

Tiptoe Through the Tulips -- Nick Lucas Troubadours (1929)

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