Friday, 25 May 2018

Day 5 - 145 -- Mixed Emotions

At work we held a gathering to express our best wishes for a colleague who is moving to another job -- closer to the Pacific Ocean than the Atlantic. While it is a big country, I expect there will be some continued connections through the new job and here. Of course, there will be some personal connections maintained, too. The new job is perfect for the person involved. Not that the current job isn't suited, but the new one has a focus that just seems to fit so well. For that reason the sadness of seeing a valued colleague leave seemed a bit tempered by the joy of knowing this new endeavor appears tailor-made for the person.

I couldn't help but think of the many times I've left one job to move to another. Sometimes the limited term finished but other times, it was my choice to move to something else. It isn't easy from the side of the mover, either -- the definition of bittersweet. I've left many great colleagues and have not been able to keep connected with them all. That makes me sad. Those I am still in touch with, though, have kept me updated on life events of many of the others. While at university, I recall being told that my cohort would have 5 to 8 careers -- the differing positions we'd encounter as we moved along the career path. A few would have one job for the full career, while others would have 10 or more moves. I think I'm part of that latter groups <smile> -- I've had at least 10 different jobs since my undergraduate degree. Each built on existing skills and developed and honed other skills, so it was like that ladder progression they told us about as newbies. <smile>

Of the many songs dealing with goodbyes, one came to the fore today. The lyrics describe hopes for the future for someone moving elsewhere. Enjoy!

My Wish -- Rascal Flatts

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