Monday, 21 May 2018

Day 5 - 141 -- Closer to Summer?

Rain poured down most of the night, but the day was sunny with lovely white puffy clouds in the blue sky. It felt like summer was in the offing. Temperatures were warmer than normal for this time of year. This warmth was tempered by the cooler breezes off the water. That made all the difference when outdoors. I'm not one for excessive heat or the humidity that accompanies the heat at this end of the country. So -- today was almost perfect. I went out to run a few quick errands at the grocery store and post office (in the drug store since it is a national holiday today). I even turned on the a/c in the car due to the heat held by the black interior -- but only for a few moments to adjust the temp after the car sat in the sun-filled parking lot for a while.

I love this time of year -- the transition seasons are my favourites. The extremes of summer can become unbearable as can those experiences in winter. At least in winter more clothing can be added, but in summer there is only so much that can be removed <smirk>. The cooler air from the colder waters is pleasant, though I know there are people who find it an effrontery to their sun-worshiping selves. I have encountered many like myself who enjoy spring and autumn most. The summerites seem to be more vocal than the rest of us. Interestingly, even they complain when the humidity and heat interrupt sleep  and cause days when breathing becomes difficult. So, do they really like summer?  Or might it be the illusion of summer that they long for -- something that disappoints them each year because it simply doesn't exist? I have often articulated what weather I enjoy and what I don't with clear reasons. Many summerites don't actually say what they want, but tell us that the day is definitely not it. If this is the issue, I feel sad for them -- wishing their lives away and being frustrated with what is right in front of them. Now, I know that I complain about the humidity and the ice -- at different times of year hopefully <grin> -- but that is because I'm physically uncomfortable but I do acknowledge that such events happen every summer and winter , so I find a way to live through them -- my induction cooktop is one such example of how to get through.

Lines from a song rose from the decades old memories held in my brain. The title lyric line expresses what I felt today -- summer is getting closer. Enjoy!

Door into Summer -- The Monkees

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