Monday, 31 December 2018

Day 5 - 364 -- Happy New Year to All

In just over an hour the new year will arrive in North America. Thirty minutes later, it will be upon me in the Atlantic time zone. I went for a quick walk this evening and found the streets were rather empty for early evening in this small town. It was cold -- colder than expected -- but most folks must have been holed up in their warm homes. I've been listening to television shows -- a series of reruns, we now consider a marathon <smile>. We expect snow tomorrow -- likely the same storm that is pelting NYC with rain at present.

What do I want for 2019? Continued learning of self and the world around me would be great. I'd enjoy time to spend with friends and family as well as time to spend alone to do the reflection and relaxing needed to recharge; understanding and adapting to this new lifestyle called retirement; searching out further understandings of things past for the research projects and for life; and practicing ways to address the challenges in daily life with grace and calm. So, many things to hope for that writing them down would take much more space. I do plan to continue with this blog. It assists me in getting things in context and seeing things through different lenses.

A song sung at this time of year contains lyrics that promote having a wee dram and reflecting on the past. May the New Year be filled with moments of peace and joy, laughter, insight, growth and good health. May you take time to spend with those dear to you and take time to care for you. The song for today is performed by a Scot with a very recognizable voice. Enjoy! 

Auld Lang Syne -- Rod Stewart

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Day 5 - 363 -- Nearing an End or a Beginning?

The penultimate day of the year has arrived. I've pondered endings and beginnings in the past. So, is this a true ending or is just a point at which things are tallied by the numbers folks? Perhaps this is more a time of hope for a change. Each year brings positive and negative experiences. From what I read online, people feel there were more negatives than positives in their year. Granted, some years are heinous. For the rest of them, do we let the negatives overshadow the positives? It can be easier to recall things that didn't go the way we'd hoped. Those wonderful moments of calm or joy or love can be miniaturized in our thoughts as the hurt, grief and anger expand to fill the space -- if we allow it to take over.

The one thing that this time of year affords each of us is time to reflect on the past 12 months. This is not simply revisiting things, but looking closely at what happened, why it might have happened, what impact did the experience have on us and those around us, and -- the clincher -- what might we do the same or differently in the future?  In short, we can reflect on what we learned from daily life and what that told us about the world and our place in it -- about ways we can change ourselves and the world around us for the better. To be honest, this has been a model for my professional work. It is termed "reflective practice." I know this can assist with my growth -- to ensure stagnation does not take over.

So -- what are my learnings? I've written about some here as this blog helps me contextualize daily experiences and try to make sense of the emotions and find ways to improve my reactions and expectations. Now this isn't a check-mark on a list; it is something that we revisit time and again. Hopefully this continues to build the foundation and framework for new behaviours, attitudes or values. So -- back to the question -- what did I learn? Change brings stress and excitement. This year held much change. I've learned of the need to be kind to myself -- still working on this one, but I've acknowledged the need to not expect miracles from my activities. It will take much longer to get this one down pat, but I've made a beginning. I've learned that the advice I've given others fits me, too. <smile> Anger is part of adult learning as we move through cognitive dissonance. So, when I'm feeling frustrated with the world or with me, it is to be expected. Another that will take future work involves recognizing the happy and joy-filled moments as well as those of peace. These shorter bits become the pluses in our days and must not be (dis)missed. Each of these learnings are needed to navigate the future days well -- even while working to expand knowledge and comfort with each of them.

Now -- a song for this. Hmmm.  As one day blends into the other, endings and beginnings can become quite blurred. Expecting major changes to occur after midnight one night does not make sense -- nor does making huge promises to change oneself dramatically, since changes take time, effort, backsliding and practice. Be kind to you <smile>. The lyrics of this song speak to changes and possibilities and how they merge together with starts and finishes -- much like personal growth -- always someone new-ish. The group performing  has been featured here often. Enjoy!

Something Better Beginning -- The Kinks

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Day 5 - 362 -- Plans gone sideways

Given the snow that fell last evening, I knew I'd have to shovel today. Temperatures rose to +7C with some sun by midday. Melting was occurring, so I ventured out to move what I could. Pushing wasn't too tricky, but lifting was a bear. I carried more water than snow in places. I didn't finish the drive way fully, as I just hit the wall at that point. Inside the house, I discovered my t-shirt and sweatshirt were soaking wet. It seems I should have taken a wee break and even changed to a lighter jacket. Again, my problem was not being in tune with my body, just with my 'to do' list. Plans were to head to the grocery store, change linens, and do laundry and maybe, just maybe, bake some muffins. Needless to say, none of those things occurred. I spent time watching a couple of movies and reading a book. Both brought interesting ideas to the fore -- points to keep in mind for upcoming writing projects.

When plans go off the rails, it generally means things were outside our control. Yet, sometimes we seem oblivious to this fact -- pushing forward to force our plan into a space it simply will not fit. I've experienced this in several places in the recent past. Even the part-time work of researcher has threatened to take over every waking moment. I've worked to keep it in a manageable space, yet I just want some things done NOW, which definitely will not fit the defined space and time. Wise words from others to me -- an from me to others -- keep entering my thoughts. "Be kind to yourself." I hate it when my words to others come back to haunt me <smile>. Having a list of things I want to do seems positive; allowing adequate time to complete them is the crux of the problem. How does one learn that skill? How long will tasks really take? Will the list allow adequate down time for me? All good questions that I need to examine more frequently and not only when I run into difficulty.

The lyric of the selection for today expresses the need to roll with changes beyond our control -- and to me, that seems to be where most changes in life actually lie <smile>. Enjoy!

Life Changes -- Thomas Rhett

Day 5 - 361 -- Day of Confusion

I woke thinking it was Saturday and it is only Friday. Holidays in the middle of the week can mess with that sense of normality with something simple like 'what day is it?' Weather brought a mixed bag of events -- a bit of sun between clouds followed by warming temperatures and snow after sunset. Most of my day was spent indoors working on household tasks and a couple of other items with encroaching deadlines <smile>.

The activities of the day seemed to fit with the nearing end of the year -- endings and beginnings in a haze of confusion. This arbitrary date brings the need for annual reports to be developed for those following the calendar year. Of course, more will occur at the end of the fiscal year and other end dates throughout the year. So, while I wasn't sure what day of the week it was, weather wasn't sure what it was up to either. Adapting to such altered states creates much brain work. It would be easier to sit back and relax thinking it was the weekend <smile>.

A song that came to mind involves my favourite colour and some exquisitely poetic lyrics. It is an older one by an artist that left early into life. The title is a good description of where I felt I was today. Enjoy!  NOTE: the lyrics are below the video if needed. <smile>

Purple Haze -- Jimi Hendrix

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Day 5 - 360 -- Understanding and Communicating

Two interesting encounters occurred this week. On Christmas Eve before sunset, major banging emanated from the roof. Now it was too early in the day to be reindeer. I thought it was a person so looked out the window for signs of a ladder and saw nothing. I did see a large black wing sticking out from the eaves, so put it down to a silly bird. On Christmas afternoon, the noise began again right outside the bedroom window. The wing was there again followed by a caw sound. It seems one of the local crows had been trying to get a drink from the eaves trough, yet it was cold so any moisture would be frozen solid. The banging happened as the bird tried to break bits of ice for his beverage. Clever, but loud.

This morning when I looked outside there was more light flurries and a dusting of snow on the walkways and car again. It looked a bit grey and gloomy. As I stood to contemplate this cold, windy scene the dog from down the street ran up the town sidewalk and then came back down, stopping to roll in the fresh snow. Well, that gave me a laugh. I noted that someone had to enjoy this sort of day. I went out later in the afternoon to clear off the car. As I got out of the car, I was greeted by the same dog. He is delightful -- a golden coloured Great Pyrennes. As we chatted, I looked up to see his owner watching us. The dog proceeded to roll in the snow in my front yard and then I laughed out loud as he put his chin on the ground with his forelegs by his sides and used his hind legs to propel himself across the lawn. Apparently, he enjoys my yard the most in the winter since I have a lot of untouched snow. His owner thought the neighbours might think I was making the marks in the snow. My response was that this would keep the folks guessing.

These encounters brought thoughts of understanding and communicating. Since I knew the dog already, I could tell he was happy or even joyful with the skiff of snow on the ground. He will be even more excited when we get the few inches expected into Saturday. Trying to figure out the behaviour of the crow took a bit more thought. I'd seen others do this sort of thing, but with less noise. Trying to make sense of those around us -- people and other species -- can bring a sense of order to a seemingly chaotic situation. Often, the absurdity of the situation can bring a smile or laugh. Learning to look for such aspects can keep us from going off to some angry place. We all share the neighbourhood, so if no damage is being done we could relax. I will admit that I've had thoughts of making snow angels on the front lawn, which isn't much different than the dog's playing today.

I chose the selection for today for two reasons -- the name of the band and the need to take time to understand what is happening around us. The lyrics speak to this somewhat, though from a very different situation than I've encountered this week. Enjoy!

Don't Let Me be Misunderstood -- The Animals

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Day 5 - 359 -- (re)Connecting

Boxing Day -- the day after Christmas -- is a holiday that has been around since middle ages. Then alms to the poor were distributed and years later servants were given gifts in boxes often accompanied by the day off. Interestingly, the day has become a commercial day of sales -- sales that often begin several days before the 26th. I'm not sure things are as deeply discounted as people hope. It may be more hype than savings. Fighting through crowds has never been my favourite pastime, so I avoid stores and malls on this day. On the up side it was a sunny day, still cold but without winds, so very pleasant.

I chatted by phone with a friend and with family members. It was good to have a quick chat and wish them the best of season. Supper was with friends who cooked turkey dinner today. The food was yummy as always. When home I carried the garbage to the curb for early morning pickup tomorrow. Two people were walking up the hill as I walked out the driveway. One stopped on the sidewalk as I walked past to the curb in the dark. He then asked how I was and wished me a happy new year. At that point, I recognized the voice of an older neighbour I hadn't seen for a couple of years. He and his wife chatted about weather and general pleasantries. I left with a smile, for seeing him again and for this positive aspect of living in a small town and neighbourhood.

When back in the house, it was difficult to find anything to watch on TV, until I found the Kennedy Center Honours. I came in at the midpoint, so missed several other musical recipients that would have had great tributes. At the end of the program was the honouring of Cher. It was delightful to see the audience singing along and often singing to their partners. I enjoyed the songs they chose that spanned several decades. I chose to share two of those songs tonight.  The first is from the mid-1960s -- an upbeat sound with rather pleading lyrics. The second is from over 30 years later with a very different sound --a  techno dance genre. Enjoy!

Baby Don't Go -- Sonny and Cher

Believe -- Cher

Day 5 - 358 -- Memories of Christmas Past

Looked out the window this morning to find the ground had changed colour -- it is white. A very thin layer of snow blew in overnight -- sea effect snow -- but very little there. A broom would move the bits off the stairs. I was a bit surprised and somewhat disappointed. Green Christmas days work for me particularly when we've had so much snow in mid- to late-fall. But this shouldn't have created difficulty for any travelers today.  Dinner was amazing with a group of university folks. More food than usual, but it is a feast day after all. I expect there will be lesser intake tomorrow <smile>. Great conversations, with much laughter filled the evening. It reminded me of rambunctious holiday dinners at my grandparents with many of the nine children home with their families. It could get rather loud, but was filled with laughter, too. I feel blessed to have been part of the celebrations with this group today. It brought back to mind some of the chaotic excitement of years gone by.

In her annual address this morning, the Queen noted that it was the centenary of the Nine Lessons and Carols Christmas service by King's College Choir Cambridge. Her address ended with the processional carol sung by a wonderful young male voice. this stirred a distant memory much like the gathering today. I can't recall when I heard the song last, but I knew many of the words. I share that song here today so that others can experience the amazing chorale group and soloist. Enjoy!

Once in Royal David's City -- Choir of Kings College, Cambridge (2016)

Monday, 24 December 2018

Day 5 - 357 -- Jolly Man on his Way

The day began early with a couple of errands -- trying to avoid the rush of the crowds. I even scored the rolls from the bakery while they were still warm -- in a brown paper bag with a plastic one to store them for later. So -- guess what I had for lunch? <smile> I wrapped gifts for the dinner crowd tomorrow. I used fabric and new tea towels instead of wrapping paper. A couple were put into reusable cloth bags -- just me trying to be as green as possible.

The landscape is very green today with just a few smaller piles of ice leftover from the clearing of several parking lots in town. Given the snow from October onward, the green Christmas is a surprise -- a welcome one for me and for those traveling over the next few days.

I've been checking in on the NORAD Santa Tracker -- a fun thing to do online. <smile> It seems the jolly man will be overhead in the next 30 minutes or so. A song about the lead reindeer came to mind when thinking of this activity earlier today. According to NORAD this is a bit later than past years, which makes this song fit well with the situation. The singer is Canadian with a unique personal vocal style. Enjoy!

Run Run Rudolph -- Johnny Reid

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Day 5 - 356 -- Welcomed Sunshine

Gorgeous sunshine greeted me in the kitchen today. No precipitation fell, just the wonderful sun. I walked out for milk to enjoy the sun. The wind made it feel a bit sharp, since the temperatures have been falling overnight and will again overnight tonight. It was an enjoyable walk. I completed some baking -- three dozen of the cookies my mother made every year. They are a mild spice cookie with raisins and cut dried fruit. The one I tested this afternoon with a mug of chai brought good memories. I also cooked the vegetables for a dish I'll make on Christmas day and cooked down apples for the beginnings of spiced applesauce. Those await in the freezer for a later afternoon effort. So, the day was somewhat productive.

Most of the movies on TV today were not holiday movies,except for 'Valentines Day'  -- a misplaced holiday. I watched parts of a couple of the offerings, but didn't find anything that held my attention. I will need to watch some dvd movies tomorrow if I want Christmas themed shows, I guess. The drug store that I visited today for milk had a full parking lot and cars parking in the driving lanes waiting for people. It was a very busy place. I was happy to be getting only a couple of items and not doing the full on shopping many others were dealing with. No amount of money could get me to go to the big grocery stores or mall today or tomorrow. I am not one to finish shopping early in the year, but being part of the frenetic atmosphere of Christmas Eve or Boxing Day shopping is not part of my plans - ever. I can head up later in the week when crowds have picked the place clean -- like a swarm of locusts. Perhaps this is one time that I could consider online shopping, though I'd have to think long and hard about that, too. <smile>

The song shared today may have been heard first by many people in a 1967 Christmas show. It is a traditional Spanish carol that has been around since the 16th century. The a cappella presentation pays homage to the early origins of the melody and lyrics. The group singing provide a beautiful rendition of the carol. Enjoy!

Riu Chiu -- The Monkees

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Day 5 - 355 -- Peace after a Storm

The day was overcast with loud winds and pouring rain. The day began with an abrupt start with an unexpected outing. Once back home, laundry, cleaning and some small bits of decorating occurred. By supper time, the rain had ended and only errant wind gusts remained. I walked out to pick up supper. It was still low teens Celcius, but the temperature had been several degrees warmer during the afternoon. An abrupt drop in temperatures will freeze up the muddy areas and make ice of the standing water. At present we expect no further snow to speak of before Christmas, so it may be a misted white and green Christmas this year. Predictions have a way of changing regularly, so this may change, too.

The rain sounded pleasant against the house today. It had a soothing sound at times of lessened wind gusts. It brought to mind a peaceful, calming song. I tried to find a few versions that I know of, but had no luck. So, I chose this one by random people with Youtube channels. It is quite well done and had the desired soothing effect for me this evening. Enjoy!

Dona Nobis Pacem -- Matthew, Lizzie, Rebecca and Margie

Friday, 21 December 2018

Day 5 - 354 -- Winter Begins

The day began with a car appointment for oil change. The dealership is out by one of our grocery stores, so I stopped in for the dozen items I needed. This store was crazed -- more than the one I visited yesterday. We are expecting a storm tonight into Saturday. Add the usual shopping silliness for for such events with the coming holiday feasts and you get the weirdness I encountered. I spoke to a worker in the produce section, when an item from the flyer was not found in the empty counter where it should be. I asked if there were any more in the back. I learned they had ordered 53 flats, none of which were delivered a expected today. There may be some arriving tonight or Saturday, but I may just wait until next week. Waiting to check out had long lines at all registers -- and every one was open. There was the self-checkout space reasonably open, but I choose not to use this since it reduces the number of people that may be hired as cashiers. As I left, I encountered a colleague just entering. I asked, "Are you sure you want to go in there?" Sadly, it isn't likely to get better in the coming three days, so he braved the throng and was considering using the self-checkout to avoid the longer lineups.

At home this afternoon I worked on the final piece of writing that was due this week. I polished my thoughts and think is sounds reasonable, but we'll let the reviewers make that decision. <smile> It was sent off likely after offices closed in other time zones of the co-writers. I hope they leave it to sit and review it after the holidays. In no way, do I want to interfere with someone's time away from work. I've had encounters with that from outside sources in the past, and am still dealing with that from my within myself. After working 80+ hours a week for two decades, it is difficult not to feel anxious if not doing several things at once or constantly working on projects. I've been trying to limit work to office time only and not bring it home. Learning to fit personal projects into the schedule will take further attention, but I'm assured by others that it will happen.

Today brought with it the beginning of winter with the winter solstice. To me, the good news is that the days begin to get longer now. <smile>  The moon is full tonight, though with the cloud cover from the approaching storm, it is not visible. Much of the precipitation will be in the form of rain, which won't wash away the snow as many say. Some will leave, but the 3 meter pile at the grocery store parking lot will not leave any time soon -- even with double digit temps on the plus side of freezing. The ground is partly frozen now, so there may be ponding, which turn to ice skating ponds with the return of winter temperatures. With all this in mind, another song from the concert last night will be shared here. This is a live version by two great voices. Enjoy!

Winter Song -- Sarah Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

Day 5 - 353 -- Bright Lights All Around

The day was filled with bright sunlight - for whole day. Skies remained clear into the evening so the nearly full moon was visible. I spent the day running errands and trying to clear up work files that needed to be ended or held until the New Year. I made it through most of these, but missed one deadline that will have to wait until tomorrow now. I began the day at one of the two grocery stores. As I drove through town in mid-morning, there seemed to be few cars on the road. I know I said out loud, "I bet they're all at the mall." Well, I wasn't far off the mark. The grocery store is in the same large compound as the mall. Inside things were a bit crazed. It was the day pension cheques arrive and there is a holiday on the way. I got the dozen or so items I needed and headed home. As I was driving out of the parking lot, I realized I had planned to go to one other store. Had I remembered, I would have walked over and not attempted to find another parking spot. Needless to say things were a madhouse in the parking lot, so I managed to extricate myself and the car unscathed and just headed to the office. During the day, I received some positive news that some travel expenses would be covered when I had not expected this. Good news.

In the evening, a friend and I attended a fundraiser for the local Affordable Housing Society. The musical evening reminded me of a Christmas pageant, though most of the performers were adults. The songs were fantastic and ranged from old Christmas folk songs to modern era selections. Some were instrumentals -- great harp, keyboard, trumpet, guitar and even an Appalachian dulcimer -- while others mixed vocals with instruments or simply sang acapella.  A modern dance school provided three short pieces set to Christmas songs. The Sisters of St. Martha provided lovely acapella carols and ended with an audience sing-along of Silent Night, where the group leader sand an amazing descant. It gave me goose bumps. It was a wonderful evening and the theatre was almost full. The show will be repeated again tomorrow night. On the walk home last night, we came in through the back way -- through a parking lot and behind a building into my back yard. Generally, I use a small flashlight to guide my steps for a short part of the journey. Last night, the moonlight was so bright, I didn't need to use the flashlight at all. It was amazing. It is full tomorrow, but expect cloud cover, so I was pleased to see it tonight.

Two colleagues sang a duet that I love -- both musical folks from our talented community. I knew when I heard the opening notes that this song would be highlighted in the blog today. I've chosen the version I heard first -- one that has become iconic in its juxtapositions. Enjoy!

Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy -- Bing Crosby and David Bowie

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Day 5 - 352 -- Quiet Stillness Approaching

After the winds of yesterday, things seemed calmer this morning, though wind chills were still very noticeable. I cleared the snow from front and back stairs and the long walkway to the street. I did leave the ankle deep slushy stuff to do later. There was less snow than predicted and just a couple of areas with drifts to my ankles. Most of the snow was light but nearer the street there was a layer of frozen slush adhered to the ground. All in all, a good start to the day. I did some errands and then went to the office for a research meeting. I got the writing for tomorrow organized and will complete that by Friday -- a bit behind the preferred date.

The building and campus seem to have fewer people visible each day this week. The admin offices officially close for the holiday at end of day tomorrow to open again on January 2nd. Many teaching faculty are on campus during that time, but it is still a rather quiet place -- almost peaceful <smile>. I enjoy the quieter times as well as the excitement of everyone returning next month. The restful nature of the quiet days help to concentrate and get things ready for the next term. This year, I won't be doing that, though I will be writing some smaller project bits from home. I look forward to doing some things from the 'fun' list at home -- like besides laundry and cleaning and such. <smile> That list is long, so it shouldn't be difficult to address one or two items. <smile>

The feeling of peacefulness due to lack of activity in the vicinity reminded me of a song. This deals with peace and goodwill -- so a different type of peace. The song appeared on an album in 1967 and is one of the first Christmas songs with a strong social message. I've included this version along with a more recent version that was part of an Apple commercial in 2015. The voice of the original singer has changed with age and blends well with a second voice in the later version. The lyrics for both are the same and present a wonderful sentiment. I love both for different reasons. Enjoy!

Someday at Christmas -- Stevie Wonder

Someday at Christmas -- Stevie Wonder and Andra Day

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Day 5 - 351 -- Bells, Wind and Storm

The morning sounded calm with the appearance of no precipitation. However, if you looked carefully, very fine snow was falling. Temperatures sat just below freezing. Accumulation came and went with precipitation switching back and forth between the fine snow and rain. I cleared the wet snow layer off the car and headed out to the vet with the furry friend -- time for the rabies shot. When the car started, I heard a bell and saw the light on the dash display. I hauled out the manual to determine that this was the brake warning light -- generally meaning that the brake fluid is low, but the book tried to add some scary sounding words to that. After speaking with my service manager, I headed to the vet. I thought if I could drive to the dealership, I could surely drive to the vet. The seasonal appointment for the car is two days from now, so it will be dealt with then.

All went well with the vaccination and he slept much of the afternoon. While he slept, I worked several hours on organizing data from a past study that should be written and published. I also sent off a Christmas gift, polished the annual letter, and got a business letter together to mail tomorrow. As I worked, the wind noise grew in volume. Snow fell, with smaller piles that predicted -- for now at least. We'll see what things look like in the morning. I'll need to move some snow, just how much remains a mystery.

The Christmas song shared today came to mind early today. <smile> The song is a poem put to music. The poem, written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, appeared during the US Civil War in 1863. About a decade later the first musical version occurred. Many people have recorded the song over the years. I've chosen a newer version by a Canadian singer -- from Nova Scotia. She does an admirable job at delicately amending the original melody, while keeping the familiarity present.  Enjoy!

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day -- Sarah McLachlan

Monday, 17 December 2018

Day 5 - 350 -- Need for Concentration

I walked to the office today due to the impending storm. We had a Christmas luncheon with turkey sandwiches and Christmas cookies. Lots of campus people attended -- fun to see everyone together. I walked to the bookstore in the rain with a lot of slippery slush underfoot. By the time I headed home, snow covered the ground and walkways. At least this gave a bit more traction to help us remain upright. While ensconced in the office, I transferred numbers to an electronic spreadsheet from a lab notebook left by a former student. It took much concentration to keep the columns clear once the header had disappeared <smile> and to ensure I entered the correct numbers for each of the many records. Happily, it seems completed and can now be shared with others working on the project.

I realized how easy loss of attention can occur. Doing repetitive tasks can cause a brain to zone out. When this happened today, I interchanged digits from one record with a second record or entered the numbers on different lines or columns than intended. Luckily, this happened only a few times in the 150 records and was caught when I realized I'd repeated numbers or the repeated rhythm changed. Brains can be so intriguing.

A song that demonstrates concentration fits the activities of the afternoon. This unique lyric and melody require clear brain functioning. It is so easy to head off down a different song path. The singer does a superb job, which may have taken a bit of practice <smile>. Enjoy!

Deck the Halls with Sugar Plum Faeries -- James Lee Stanley

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Day 5 - 349 -- Wishes for the Season?

Another day that began sunny but ended with more cloud than blue sky. Temps were above zero slightly. Some sort of wickedness is headed this way over the next 2 days. The day was rather mundane. Laundry was finished and supper made. Cleared some papers and shredded them to prepare for recycling pickup this week and managed a couple other tasks. After supper the lights were put up on the tree -- all 280 of them. One may need sunglasses in the living room. <grin>  A few of the other decorations went up around the house, but there are a few others to add. Ornaments will get to the tree in the coming couple of days, too. Preparation for writing projects at the office was completed this afternoon, too.

Now, when I look at my 'to do' list less than half of the weekend items have been crossed off. When I looked at and felt a bit of dismay, I then realized that much of what I'd done wasn't even on the list. So it seems I have a faulty 'to do' list development this week <smile>. I enjoy knocking things off such lists, but it seems that all important tasks may not get to the list I make each Friday.

Seeking peace at this time of year is often discussed -- at least superficially. I've often wondered if the words mean something deeper to those who say or write them. Taking time to examine our own meaning of peace or joy or Hope. We wish each other such things for the holiday season and for the next year, yet what do we mean when we say the words?  Just something to ponder.

I settled on two songs since I couldn't seem to choose just one. Lyrics from each present aspects of my thoughts about our world today. The first came to mind when thinking today, while the second was shared by a friend. Each song provides the need for our wishes to ourselves and each other to be less vague. The first, by a Canadian singer-songwriter, brings a gentleness to the wishes for the season. The second, a bluesy melody sung by a familiar Scot, asks a seasonal personage for wishes to come true for everyone. Enjoy!

Maybe this Christmas -- Ron Sexsmith

Red Suited Superman --  Rod Stewart 

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Day 5 - 348 -- Weather Fluctuation Effects

The sun shone again in the morning but grey overcast sky arrived for the afternoon. This seems to be the pattern over the past week. Temperatures rose above freezing, so when I walked out for milk, the sound of running water in eaves filled the air. The tasks accomplished today involved very different moods, much like the extremes in the sky today. Household chores were started, with some left to finish tomorrow. I wrote a number of notes for e-mail, searched information for a couple of projects and tried to watch some Christmas movies -- but the latter did not work well; the topics were just not my taste in humour.  So -- a day of oscillating moods.

Christmas can be a challenging time of year for many people. I am struggling to get into the spirit myself this year. There is time to do some traditional and newer activities, so hope is not lost <smile>. The celebratory gatherings last week seemed to help a bit. Another lunch happens next week. I plan to do some shopping over the next few days along with some baking and further tree adornment. Christmas greetings to friends and family far away will be written -- electronically for most and on paper for those not online. The mailed greetings will have to be for Christmas on the Julian calendar since they will arrive closer to New Years.

Two songs came to mind -- each with a bit of that blue Christmas feeling. The first had a line that made me smile -- 'if not by Christmas, by New Years Eve' -- sort of like my holiday preparations. <smile>. The other has a similar title and sentiment. Each has been covered by many artists. I chose versions by groups rather than individuals, showing a different take on the music arrangement and song delivery. Enjoy!

Please Come Home for Christmas -- The Eagles

Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) -- U2

Friday, 14 December 2018

Day 5 - 347 -- Thinking Back

Big sunshine this morning with clouds returning by early afternoon. Temperature is to rise over the next few days and be above freezing during the days. I hope that means less to shovel or push around in the yard <smile>. During the afternoon, I worked at editing some older family photos to send off to people making archives and scrapbooks. Some great moments from years past  were discovered. Many smiles occurred during that process.  Early evening was spent with a good friend from grad school days who is now a colleague here. Many other campus groups were gathered after work tonight at this local pub. I'll admit I do enjoy going places and seeing familiar faces -- a benefit of a smaller town, I suppose.

Neck pain was worse today despite my work with stretches. It creates pain in the scalp that just makes me tired and cranky. I did manage to finally get a customer service issue clarified and my concerns about the failure in their system were heard. It wasn't just that I was frustrated as a customer, but I was concerned about a local business that has been slipping. <sigh> I've done my part and it is now in their hands.

Many song ideas presented themselves today, but I settled on one song that has been covered by many many artists. The lyrics deal with the nostalgia and memories of Christmas past mixed with the present -- feelings I've had during my day today. I chose a version by a wonderful group with stunning harmonies -- this one is a bit more upbeat than other covers. Enjoy!

I'll be Home for Christmas -- Pentatonix

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Day 5 - 346 -- Good News and Other Fun Events

The sun shone early today filling the house with lovely golden light. By mid-morning clouds had returned. As I walked out the front door, I stopped. Two to four centimeters they said. On the porch that was clearly off by an order of magnitude. I moved about 20 cm of light snow and a bit of  slush from the walkway, porch and driveway. I walked into the campus to a Christmas lunch for retirees. A wonderful event. I knew many of the folks who retired during my time at the university. I had a great discussion about the nature of retirement and historical research with an historian. It was quite uplifting and inspiring -- validating, too, due to the work I'm in the midst of for a major project. In the afternoon, there was a holiday reception for faculty and staff on campus. I stopped in just to chat with folks I don't see too often. A fantastic conversation emerged when three of us from Saskatchewan reminisced about our favourite areas. It was like a mini trip home and fed the soul. We were the last three to leave as we'd been so engrossed in our conversations.

E-mail brought good news today. The parcel headed this way that had been at the courier "facility part" for a couple days has made its way to Montreal -- still on track for delivery next week. A research colleague and I received notice that a proposed session for a conference next year had been accepted. That was fantastic news. The topic is one we've been immersed in for several years. Another colleague will be involved, too. It reinforced the happy feeling I woke with today.

The song that stuck in my head today has been playing behind the weather boards on the morning television show for a few days. Today, it stuck. It has incredible earworm capability -- so be forewarned <smile>. The Canadian singer-songwriter has an amazing voice with a multi-octave range. The song has bouncy feel that matched my feelings during the day. The version shared here supports adoption of animals -- and I believe the filming could be the same for more than the one type of animal in the video -- though the cuteness factor is extreme. <smile>  Enjoy!

Christmas Kisses -- Serena Ryder

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Day 5 - 345 -- Whiteness in Weather

A few snowflakes danced in the air on the walk into the office today. By early afternoon, the snow fell in earnest complete with a bit of a breeze. By supper time it had all quit, though it remained overcast. Walking out to supper with friends was pleasant and gave us time to look at the store windows. Some have been quite creative. On is a complete red and white theme with decorations and gift items only in those colours. It sparkles and the tree in the centre is breathtaking. Another window for a dept and women's clothing store had a fantasy theme. The mannequins were dressed in skirts made from evergreen boughs, greenery with red berries, and a lovely silvery chiffon with a star motif. Definitely creativity rules for these two larger stores. Other had fun themes with teddy bears and various decorated trees. It was a fun walk to just relax and gaze at the work of others.

By the time we left the restaurant, it began to snow again. I walked the few blocks home and my black coat was covered in tiny white flakes. The wind has gotten stronger as the evening progressed. I'm not sure how much will really fall, but forecasts stated that it wouldn't be much. the next two days are to be cloud and sun with no precipitation and then it is to rise above freezing an rain for a day. Confused weather again. Yet, expectations may change as those days get closer. In the meantime, I hope not to shovel oodles of snow, but just push 2-3 cm. <smile>

The song today is one holds a sentiment that I've never felt the need to say. <smile> The singer was born 103 years ago. His voice is recognizable and his recordings were many from the big band era into the later decades of the 20th century. Enjoy!

Let it Snow! -- Frank Sinatra

Day 5 - 344 -- Looking Up

Today involved a fun meeting -- I know, right? Those are two words that don't  usually get linked. I've felt a bit overwhelmed lately as the research projects deadlines converge in this month. The meeting today reinforced the excitement at doing the 'fun' stuff. We laughed a lot as we discussed things, but still accomplished a lot. Things are taking shape. <smile> Another meeting involved exploration of major topics -- again, it felt positive and brought a feeling of achievement.

The moon was out again tonight. Clear skies haven't been common, so it seemed almost surprising to see it in the sky. Lovely. It made me smile and look up and around me -- all good things. <smile>. The song that came to mind has an uplifting feel and notes the presence of the moon. The version shared is from a live concert from 39 years ago. Enjoy!

Wonderful Christmas Time -- Paul McCartney and Wings

Monday, 10 December 2018

Day 5 -- 343 -- Small Gifts

Today actually saw completion of some of the tasks on the 'to do' list. Still a lot to do for a meeting this week, but several other commitments may interfere with me getting as far down that road as I planned. Snow was expected, yet very little arrived. That is NOT a complaint, just an observation. The sun was bright in the morning but disappeared into the afternoon as the dark clouds appeared. When I left the building tonight, I could see a gorgeous sliver of moon and a few stars. It has been a long time since the sky was not obscured by clouds. I took that as a gift. One of two larger difficulties was solved today. The other did not call me back with the answer needed today as promised. So -- trying to focus on the one that was fixed. A parcel expected a week ago arrived in the mailbox today. Tracking told me that it had been delayed due to 'weather or natural disaster.'  Nothing of the sort along the route taken, but the message gave me an out-loud laugh. Good news arrived at work, too.

Being frustrated with customer service that is the poster child for the term oxymoron, doesn't get me far. I've tried to be positive, but one situation is still creating problems. I have a couple of further steps to take before I'll have to turn it over to someone else. Sadly, I expect there are many others like me, so I'm not holding my breath for a solid resolution. Having social media friends send me things that make me laugh and refocus is amazing. I appreciate the arrival of such tidbits just when I feel pulled under by a current of negativity.

A song that was brought to mind by a work e-mail fits much of the events of the day. This singer has a wonderful smooth crooner-style voice -- relaxing. Enjoy!

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas -- Michael Buble

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Day 5 -- 342 -- Predictions

Yesterday the trees had a covering of snow that blew away as the day wore on. Today there was a light dusting of snow overnight, so the ground remained white where I had cleared the snow. The weather network forecast tells us to expect  1-3 cm overnight with a small bit during the day tomorrow. Again, enough to keep the ground white. Temperatures are cold for this time of year here with windchills in the the low -20s Celsius -- that without much wind. The long range forecast, which I don't hold much stock in since it is difficult to say what is going to happen in the next 12-24 hours, states that it will warm and rain a bit in a week followed by bits of snow. This indicates that a white Christmas may occur this year. But, as I've noted, predictions that far out are no better than crystal ball gazing.

The house felt cold today since outdoors was negative double-digit cold. I turned the heat up warmer than the usual over the past few weeks. Lots of frost on the windows in the kitchen and bathroom obscured the view of the thermometer outside. The brief bright sunshine around lunch time, melted the frost so all was visible again until this evening. Winter weather has taken up residence. While there will be some ups and downs in temperature, cold will predominate now for about three months. That one thing -- four distinct seasons of three months each -- has been a positive of living on the east coast. On the prairies, winter lasts about 6 months and summer about 4-5 months. That leaves a short bit of fall and spring, which I've discovered, are my favourite seasons. <smile>

A song from long ago came to mind today. It isn't really something I wish for, but so many people do. I love the original recordings, but have discovered some amazing covers released in the more recent past. This studio album, the 24th by the artist, was released in mid-October, so is fairly new. The voice is a delight and the guitar is heavenly. I love the use of claymation in the video. Enjoy!

White Christmas -- Eric Clapton

Saturday, 8 December 2018

Day 5 - 341 -- Connectivity

Overnight, the predicted 3-4 cm of snow arrived as 10-12 cm. The wind made the air feel very cold, which reminded me of the prairies. <smile>. It took awhile to shovel, but it was light snow due to the temperature. The heavier stuff at the street end of the drive didn't take as long as expected. I think having the paved entry to the drive way makes a huge difference when pushing snow -- a flat service for the shovel to run against. I decorated the wreath purchased yesterday and hung it on the porch above the mailbox. It gives it a bit of a festive look.

During the afternoon, the fiberop went out so no landline, internet or tv for about 30+ minutes. The modem re-established connection and I continued with the online work. Signal was lost two or three times more before supper. Into the evening, signal was lost for tv and internet, but the phone remained working. I did use the cell to call tech support just in case. While speaking to them, the connections came back in working order. We did a hard reboot of the modem and hope that will settle the silliness. I find it interesting how much we depend on all the devices. When they are gone even briefly, I felt frustrated. Mind you the end of a movie was missed and I was trying to communicate with people online, so while I knew it would function properly again, I wanted it now -- like a petulant 3 year old perhaps <smile>.

Today marks 38 years since the murder of John Lennon. I've often wondered what other music and thoughts he might have brought to the world if he were still here. What would he have thought about my connectivity issues today? <g> The song for today took no time to determine. It is a seasonal greeting filled with the social commentary and advocacy he was known for. Enjoy!

Happy Christmas/War is Over -- John Lennon & Yoko Ono ft. the Plastic Ono Band and The Harlem Community Choir

Friday, 7 December 2018

Day 5 - 340 -- Many Arrivals

Late yesterday, the twinge I'd felt after doing some house cleaning became something much bigger. The SI (sacroiliac) joint was obviously out of sync. Sleeping was tricky, but I could find a good position for a while, as long as I didn't move at all it would remain a dull ache. Movement caused sharp pains. Getting out of bed was challenging. I think I held my breath more than I breathed today. So -- back to the physio for something different. We did moist heat and manual manipulation to put the pelvis back in place. One side had a forward torsion and the other side had a backward torsion. I expect this will begin to feel a bit better in the next two days or so. If necessary, I'll go back for another treatment. A treat arrived at suppertime. The local swim team fundraiser sells Florida citrus. This time I got a half case of navel oranges -- there are a lot in that heavy little box. I love these and look forward to having them in lunches and for breakfasts for the next while.

While waiting for my appointment time this afternoon, I headed to the tree lot at the mall where I bought a fir bough wreath. I have ribbons, acorns, berries, ornaments and bells at home, so I can decorate it here and then get it hung up tomorrow. The day was sun filled with few clouds and temperatures closer to freezing. By later evening a few flurries began. I hope for little accumulation so I don't have to push snow with a sore back and neck <smile>. 

The song chosen for today is an ode to branches of evergreen that make up my wreath. These are local but the video shows examples from many places. The singer left us this year, but her amazing voice lives on for us. Enjoy!

Oh, Christmas Tree -- Aretha Franklin

Day 5 - 339 -- Attending Multiple Events

Many activities filled the day. It began with a visit to the physio for another bout of neck spasms. It has been rather painful for several days. With some treatment and further stretching, it should settle again. Lunch with colleagues and friends brought some brightness to the day. Fun conversations and good food made me smile. Another short appointment in the afternoon helped move forward with another health issue. I walked to each of these events today. Temperatures were cool with a slight wind and the added wind chill. It felt so good to get out for a longer walk followed by two shorter ones. Walking can be so relaxing -- at least when footing is good at this time of year.  I took the car to the mall to return a pair of runners that just won't work for me -- the tongue presses against the front of my ankle which causes numbness in the foot. I tried with several different socks and nothing changed. So -- much as I need a new pair for summer and drier fall and spring days, this wasn't the pair for me. <sigh> That means far more hunting will be involved -- not my favourite activity.

With the scalp pain from the nerve pain in the neck -- literally a pain in the neck (love to use that word correctly <grin>) -- I felt less willing to eat much for supper. The soreness and outright sharper pains created an inability to concentrate, cook or eat. When thinking of a song for today, I was reminded of one that my mom always asked that we not play. She said it gave her a headache. Now, it is a very different take on a well known song. Some will like this, while others may not. I find it playful and unexpected -- positives in my way of thinking. In some ways this version also deals with the business of my day running to and fro to. Enjoy!

Jingle Bells -- Barbra Streisand

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Day 5 - 338 -- Cold & Celebrations

Today I walked out for an office Christmas lunch. Temperatures have dropped and it felt brisk when walking. It was a pleasant sort of cold that reminded me of the drier cold of the prairies. It wasn't as cold as it gets there, but it was colder than it has been here this season. Sharing this holiday meal brought many interesting conversations and much laughter. After lunch, I walked up to campus for a meeting with the wind directly in my face most of the way --luckily only a light breeze, though nonetheless cold. Another phone meeting for a research project occurred later in the afternoon, followed by a number of project updates being sent to the others involved in each one. The walk home in the inky darkness was again cold with north winds in my face. Having a good scarf helped keep the cheeks from freezing <smile>.

Social media posts reminded me that today is Dutch Christmas. Sinterklaas visits children tonight to leave gifts in shoes or stockings. A number of Dutch immigrants settled in the county a few generations ago, so there will be many celebrating St. Nicholas Eve and Day tonight and tomorrow. To wish everyone celebrating a lovely time, I chose to share the only song that I know of in Dutch -- from a movie, of course. NOTE: the song runs about 1:01-1:25 in this short clip. Enjoy!

Sinterklaas Kapoentje -- from Miracle on 34th Street (1947)

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Day 5 - 337 -- Murder in the Maples

While the day began grey and gloomy, some excitement came in during the afternoon. A wonderfully productive skype meeting yielded a much clearer project outline. We still have a way to go with it, but it has begun to take form. That makes me excited. Yes, much work will result, but it will be amazing to see this one to fruition. A bit was done with two other writing projects for upcoming meetings, as well. I do enjoy writing, but it can feel a bit stressful when juggling the number of balls I have in the air at present <smile>. It is a good stress, though.

On the walk home in the continued drizzle, I came upon an group gathering. I could hear them for blocks, but as I got closer, I just stood and watched as they moved back and forth discussing with each other. The large maple trees looked different in the darkness. When I looked closely, I smiled. The added darkness were the trees filled with crows. They tend to congregate at the end of the day near the brook and not in the same place each day. I've often wondered who chooses the spot to meet on any given evening. Tonight they were about three blocks east (or one block north) of  brook. This puts them firmly in residential territory while other roosts tend to be in the brush and park area closer to the brook. I do expect that in the coming few days they will move a bit further east -- about 3-4 properties over -- which puts them right in my yard. It happens once a year at most, but I've come home to all the maples in my yard, next door and in the graveyard behind me filled with discussants. Even the roof can be covered. I know some would shudder and find this a bit creepy, but these gatherings make me smile. They fly in as pairs or small groups from all directions. The early evening sky is filled with those heading to the evening debriefing. The vocalizations are amazing and can sound human from a distance -- laughter, derisive sounds, interrogatory inflections -- not unlike an evening at the pub after work <grin>. 

When I paused on Main Street to watch them I knew instantly what song would be in the blog tonight. I'm sure I laughed out loud <g>. The song theme goes a bit darker than my take on the nightly gatherings. To be honest, this is a bit over the top strange <grin>. I do like the cover of the original film version by a group of extremely talented folks. Enjoy!

Making Christmas (from Nightmare Before Christmas) -- Pentatonix

Monday, 3 December 2018

Day 5 - 336 -- Where's the spirit?

Monday was a true Monday -- sort of dreary, grey with definite  ability to concentrate. Some smaller things were attended to at the office, but the major tasks of the day remain untouched. <sigh> Others I encountered seemed to be in the same place. To much on the list of things to be done that organizing them in some way seems illusive. Where to start? The answer is confusing - where? what? when? Few useful answers appeared today. I did choose to do one item tomorrow on both sides of a meeting. I'm hoping that will provide momentum that will catapult me into a productive few days this week.

I left a bit early since not much was happening and headed to buy some ink cartridges for the printer. My goodness! A whole new printer seems cheaper. I do need an updated model so I left without making a purchase and may need to address the need to upgrade sooner than I'd expected. In the meantime, I have access to printing at work that will provide many many (like MANY! <grin>) pages for the price of the ink cartridges. So -- for now, that will be my plan.

While shopping I tried to browse the holiday sections of two stores. Nothing struck me as cool and fun. It was the mood that I was in perhaps -- just not able to move in that direction yet. The tree at home will have to have lights soon. It is somewhat ominous to have the dark bulk of the tree in the corner after the sun sets. It is difficult to see the furry one under it as he blends into the darkness too well . Clearly, when I can't find him, he is firmly ensconced under the branches. <grin> 

Lyrics that fit my festive mood deficit reside in a lovely song. The melody and the singer's voice feel warm and inviting. The video shows some clips from the movie where the song featured. And by no means do I feel that frozen white precipitation plays a key role in the holiday feeling! <g>

Where are you Christmas? -- Faith Hill

Day 5 - 335 -- Community Celebration

A quiet Sunday at home led to putting up the tree -- artificial due to allergies. Setting this up in the living room after hauling it up from the basement was a bit of a workout. <smile>  Once I got the branches looking reasonable, I stopped for the day. The furry one needs to get used to this favourite item being back in his domain. His excitement showed as he raced around and then laid in the branches and purred. In a few days, I'll add lights and then ornaments a few days later.  Staging it works for me, too, helping me see the process as enjoyable and not a 'job'.

This evening I attended a celebration of the lives of a husband and wife who had made this town their home. He had been a retired music professor who worked with the coal miner's chorale group since its inception for Canada's centennial in 1967. He directed them for 50 years. He and his wife were also instrumental in developing a local L'Arche community. The celebration involved the Men of the Deeps, L'Arche, cathedral choir, local musicians, and dignitaries. There were memories shared and much wonderful music. Three of their grand-daughters sang a lovely farewell, while all seven had carried items for the memory table at the front of the sanctuary. These were well loved people, as witnessed by the cathedral being nearly full -- it seats about 750. The service brought much laughter and a few poignant moments. It truly reflected these two amazing lives.

Getting the tree up and being part of the celebration this evening made me think of the holiday season that has begun. The feeling hasn't arrived for me yet. The lyrics of a song cover what the tree signifies today. Bit by bit, we'll get there. <smile> Enjoy!

Step into Christmas -- Elton John

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Day 5 - 334 -- Holiday Time Arrives

Another Saturday almost over. Besides the usual weekend chores, I spent some time online. Donations were made to organizations that I support regularly and have added to my will. It is the beginning of the holiday season, so this activity to support others fits the tone of the holidays. I generally start the season on this first weekend in December. Today I ordered a gift online only because it isn't carried in any store in this little town. I put out some of the Christmas linens to make the place begin to look celebratory. I plan to do further decorating and some baking tomorrow, while finishing the weekly job tasks.

I haven't thought much about Christmas yet this year. The annual letter and cards are behind schedule, but I'm blaming that on the unknown of the postal strike. Technically, this should improve but there is a backlog of online shopping parcels and mail that can slow processing of new mail. So -- I've decided that the annual greetings will be New Year greetings or celebrate Julian Christmas in the beginning of January. I've been busy with research work for the past couple of weeks, so again, haven't had time to wander through store displays and begin to get a feel of the holidays. That should occur in the coming week or so, depending on the weather. I feel like getting into the spirit would be a good thing right now.

Lyrics that fit my thoughts today come from a Broadway musical. The tempo and melody bring upbeat and happy tones to the lyrics that note the need for something brighter. The singer has an easy voice that carries the song well. Enjoy!

We Need a Little Christmas -- Johnny Mathis