Saturday, 29 December 2018

Day 5 - 362 -- Plans gone sideways

Given the snow that fell last evening, I knew I'd have to shovel today. Temperatures rose to +7C with some sun by midday. Melting was occurring, so I ventured out to move what I could. Pushing wasn't too tricky, but lifting was a bear. I carried more water than snow in places. I didn't finish the drive way fully, as I just hit the wall at that point. Inside the house, I discovered my t-shirt and sweatshirt were soaking wet. It seems I should have taken a wee break and even changed to a lighter jacket. Again, my problem was not being in tune with my body, just with my 'to do' list. Plans were to head to the grocery store, change linens, and do laundry and maybe, just maybe, bake some muffins. Needless to say, none of those things occurred. I spent time watching a couple of movies and reading a book. Both brought interesting ideas to the fore -- points to keep in mind for upcoming writing projects.

When plans go off the rails, it generally means things were outside our control. Yet, sometimes we seem oblivious to this fact -- pushing forward to force our plan into a space it simply will not fit. I've experienced this in several places in the recent past. Even the part-time work of researcher has threatened to take over every waking moment. I've worked to keep it in a manageable space, yet I just want some things done NOW, which definitely will not fit the defined space and time. Wise words from others to me -- an from me to others -- keep entering my thoughts. "Be kind to yourself." I hate it when my words to others come back to haunt me <smile>. Having a list of things I want to do seems positive; allowing adequate time to complete them is the crux of the problem. How does one learn that skill? How long will tasks really take? Will the list allow adequate down time for me? All good questions that I need to examine more frequently and not only when I run into difficulty.

The lyric of the selection for today expresses the need to roll with changes beyond our control -- and to me, that seems to be where most changes in life actually lie <smile>. Enjoy!

Life Changes -- Thomas Rhett

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