The penultimate day of the year has arrived. I've pondered endings and beginnings in the past. So, is this a true ending or is just a point at which things are tallied by the numbers folks? Perhaps this is more a time of hope for a change. Each year brings positive and negative experiences. From what I read online, people feel there were more negatives than positives in their year. Granted, some years are heinous. For the rest of them, do we let the negatives overshadow the positives? It can be easier to recall things that didn't go the way we'd hoped. Those wonderful moments of calm or joy or love can be miniaturized in our thoughts as the hurt, grief and anger expand to fill the space -- if we allow it to take over.
The one thing that this time of year affords each of us is time to reflect on the past 12 months. This is not simply revisiting things, but looking closely at what happened, why it might have happened, what impact did the experience have on us and those around us, and -- the clincher -- what might we do the same or differently in the future? In short, we can reflect on what we learned from daily life and what that told us about the world and our place in it -- about ways we can change ourselves and the world around us for the better. To be honest, this has been a model for my professional work. It is termed "reflective practice." I know this can assist with my growth -- to ensure stagnation does not take over.
So -- what are my learnings? I've written about some here as this blog helps me contextualize daily experiences and try to make sense of the emotions and find ways to improve my reactions and expectations. Now this isn't a check-mark on a list; it is something that we revisit time and again. Hopefully this continues to build the foundation and framework for new behaviours, attitudes or values. So -- back to the question -- what did I learn? Change brings stress and excitement. This year held much change. I've learned of the need to be kind to myself -- still working on this one, but I've acknowledged the need to not expect miracles from my activities. It will take much longer to get this one down pat, but I've made a beginning. I've learned that the advice I've given others fits me, too. <smile> Anger is part of adult learning as we move through cognitive dissonance. So, when I'm feeling frustrated with the world or with me, it is to be expected. Another that will take future work involves recognizing the happy and joy-filled moments as well as those of peace. These shorter bits become the pluses in our days and must not be (dis)missed. Each of these learnings are needed to navigate the future days well -- even while working to expand knowledge and comfort with each of them.
Now -- a song for this. Hmmm. As one day blends into the other, endings and beginnings can become quite blurred. Expecting major changes to occur after midnight one night does not make sense -- nor does making huge promises to change oneself dramatically, since changes take time, effort, backsliding and practice. Be kind to you <smile>. The lyrics of this song speak to changes and possibilities and how they merge together with starts and finishes -- much like personal growth -- always someone new-ish. The group performing has been featured here often. Enjoy!
Something Better Beginning -- The Kinks
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