While the day began grey and gloomy, some excitement came in during the afternoon. A wonderfully productive skype meeting yielded a much clearer project outline. We still have a way to go with it, but it has begun to take form. That makes me excited. Yes, much work will result, but it will be amazing to see this one to fruition. A bit was done with two other writing projects for upcoming meetings, as well. I do enjoy writing, but it can feel a bit stressful when juggling the number of balls I have in the air at present <smile>. It is a good stress, though.
On the walk home in the continued drizzle, I came upon an group gathering. I could hear them for blocks, but as I got closer, I just stood and watched as they moved back and forth discussing with each other. The large maple trees looked different in the darkness. When I looked closely, I smiled. The added darkness were the trees filled with crows. They tend to congregate at the end of the day near the brook and not in the same place each day. I've often wondered who chooses the spot to meet on any given evening. Tonight they were about three blocks east (or one block north) of brook. This puts them firmly in residential territory while other roosts tend to be in the brush and park area closer to the brook. I do expect that in the coming few days they will move a bit further east -- about 3-4 properties over -- which puts them right in my yard. It happens once a year at most, but I've come home to all the maples in my yard, next door and in the graveyard behind me filled with discussants. Even the roof can be covered. I know some would shudder and find this a bit creepy, but these gatherings make me smile. They fly in as pairs or small groups from all directions. The early evening sky is filled with those heading to the evening debriefing. The vocalizations are amazing and can sound human from a distance -- laughter, derisive sounds, interrogatory inflections -- not unlike an evening at the pub after work <grin>.
When I paused on Main Street to watch them I knew instantly what song would be in the blog tonight. I'm sure I laughed out loud <g>. The song theme goes a bit darker than my take on the nightly gatherings. To be honest, this is a bit over the top strange <grin>. I do like the cover of the original film version by a group of extremely talented folks. Enjoy!
Making Christmas (from Nightmare Before Christmas) -- Pentatonix
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