Monday, 31 December 2018

Day 5 - 364 -- Happy New Year to All

In just over an hour the new year will arrive in North America. Thirty minutes later, it will be upon me in the Atlantic time zone. I went for a quick walk this evening and found the streets were rather empty for early evening in this small town. It was cold -- colder than expected -- but most folks must have been holed up in their warm homes. I've been listening to television shows -- a series of reruns, we now consider a marathon <smile>. We expect snow tomorrow -- likely the same storm that is pelting NYC with rain at present.

What do I want for 2019? Continued learning of self and the world around me would be great. I'd enjoy time to spend with friends and family as well as time to spend alone to do the reflection and relaxing needed to recharge; understanding and adapting to this new lifestyle called retirement; searching out further understandings of things past for the research projects and for life; and practicing ways to address the challenges in daily life with grace and calm. So, many things to hope for that writing them down would take much more space. I do plan to continue with this blog. It assists me in getting things in context and seeing things through different lenses.

A song sung at this time of year contains lyrics that promote having a wee dram and reflecting on the past. May the New Year be filled with moments of peace and joy, laughter, insight, growth and good health. May you take time to spend with those dear to you and take time to care for you. The song for today is performed by a Scot with a very recognizable voice. Enjoy! 

Auld Lang Syne -- Rod Stewart

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