Friday, 1 March 2019

Day 6 - 60 -- Nature of Happiness

Full bright sun today seemed blinding at times. But it felt wonderful, especially knowing there is a storm in the offing -- tomorrow night into Sunday. I did a quick grocery run and two errands, each of which involved gently pointing out potential difficulties for customers. At the grocery store, I spoke with the manager about the cart upset and resulting damage to my shins. I asked if he might be able to put a marker or pylon near the small hole so no one else need be hurt. As I left the store, he was doing just that and had a supervisory person with him who had tested the crack with a cart. Interesting. Glad to see they really did listen and act. Another stop was at an office where I got a note written on a piece of scrap paper from their front desk. When I got home, I realized the reused paper actually had someone's medical information printed on the back. They added this to their communication binder to ensure that used printer paper was checked before use and if personal information existed, it would be shredded and not reused. So -- I felt I'd done my best today to ensure that others wouldn't be hurt in any way. It was good to find people heading for problem solving rather than defensiveness. <smile>.

At a lovely lunch with a friend, we spoke about people stating that they want to be happy. I've often wondered if this is something that people expect to be a constant state of mind. Given the myriad emotions we have in this life, I'm not sure constant happy feelings are possible. Is it possible to miss the moments of joy or happiness while searching the future for something constant? Living in the moment can be challenging in the hubbub of work and personal life. As a society we seem focused on what needs to be done for tomorrow or next week, along with the plans for a vacation away from the responsibilities. We focus on the next two things that need doing while in the midst of the one in front of us at the moment. This can impair our ability to see where we are right now and realize that some of the happenings do bring a smile -- short bits of happiness, joy, peace or contentment.

I was reminded of a song that addresses some of these thoughts. It asks the questions in a much more eloquent and poetic way that I just did <smile>.  It was written by the friend of the singer. Enjoy!

This Fleeting Moment -- James Lee Stanley

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