Sunday, 24 March 2019

Day 6 - 82 -- Golden Moments

For a Saturday, the day was filled with fun things. -- and laundry <smile>. I worked on an upcoming presentation to begin to organize the thoughts and choose the best words. We will be working on this as a trio over the next month. I have so much to say -- far more than will fit in the alotted time <surprise!>. It will come together with time, thought and practice.

In the evening, the annual Department year-end banquet took place. Laughter filled the event. Discussion topics left on the tables, helped us to discuss food experiences and laugh while eating the meal. Students had asked me to present the Home Economics rings again this year. I love the significance of this professional ring -- circular to emphasize the need to collaborate, gold for hearth and home, facets and etching to demonstrate the expertise areas and the work done at graduate level as they enter the profession, and how these wear down over time that represents the work of a career. So much fun to see the excitement of those who chose to wear this symbol of the profession. Two major awards were presented, as well -- always a gratifying moment. Even the rain on the trip home did not deflate the happiness tonight.

I thought of several songs that might fit the day. I settled on one with a title that made me laugh. I hope it might bring a smile to you as well -- and the costumes should elicit a giggle for sure! Enjoy!

Ring, Ring  -- ABBA

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