Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Day 6 - 85 -- Out of the Blue

The sky remained clear blue without clouds all day, though temperatures felt chillier than expected for many. I didn't get out of the house until late afternoon, with an unexpected trip to the vet --nothing major, but a second visit tomorrow for a minor procedure that couldn't be done as late in the day as the appointment provided earlier in the day. I expect the trip will provide some degree of stress to the furry one, but without the trauma of some visits <sigh>. I hope we both sleep well tonight so I'm not half asleep for the long day that is Wednesday -- meetings and a night class, so it goes until 9:30 PM.

I wonder why unexpected changes or intrusions on plans can throw us off so easily. I'd planned to work on an application that is due the end of the month. While some work on this did occur, two other shorter tasks never hit the radar. While not a complete washout, it did put some things behind schedule. As noted, Wednesday is already a full day, so adding in the leftovers from today may not work. We'll see. To be honest, some things are more important than the plans <smile>.

I thought of a couple of songs and settled on one from a band often seen in the blog. This song has unexpected changes to tempo and melody. This songs adds a touch of prog rock to the usual roots rock focus of the group. The result formed something quite listenable and almost relaxing. Enjoy!

Ramble Tamble -- Creedence Clearwater Revival

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