Monday, 4 March 2019

Day 6 - 63 -- Success!

Today I tackled the 'to do' list and won. <smile> Each item on the list was managed -- reading and writing bits for three projects underway and completing two neglected and overdue tasks. Not only did I manage those five items, but I managed to find time to soak my sore legs in the tub while reading a fun book. Legs were tired and sore due to shoveling snow yesterday and again today. Snow fell furiously for several hours this morning and turned to rain by mid-afternoon when I headed out. I had to move the stuff before the freeze occurring overnight. If this sounds like other blogs of the past month or so, I apologize. Actually, the weather should apologize <smile>. Forecasts suggested we'd get 10-15 cm of snow. What I encountered was closer to 20 cm (10 inches) and it had drifted. Much of it was very fine snow -- the kind that accumulates quickly and seems to pack itself densely. Both of these along with the falling rain made the snow very heavy to push and lift. I took my time and dug out a walkway to the back of the car, leaving the rest of the driveway for the plow -- which I forgot to call so will need to do this in the morning. I also left the back porch for another day. Overall, it felt like a good day.

Today brought a feeling of elation from accomplishments. I enjoyed the work, so find it odd that some days I feel disinclined to begin. Being in the right frame of mind certainly helps work go smoothly. When feeling disheartened before beginning, completion of the task becomes unlikely -- at least on that particular day or time. It is rarely clear what might be at the root of the inertia. Does this lassitude require time to dismiss? Learning to accept that some planned activities may need to be carried forward has been difficult. Forcing enjoyable tasks, though, may turn them into something akin to 'work'. Understanding that a mind may need to read, watch a movie, or engage in some other leisure activity before being ready to tackle activities will take some effort to address. 

Lyrics from a Canadian band song cover the positive outcome experienced for the day --

"Celebrate the moment./The measure of the moment/is a difference of degree/Just one little victory/a spirit breaking free/One little victory."

The music carries a strong back beat with heavy guitar and drums -- a bit on the metal side for this one. The remixed version shared here does soften that a bit and clarify the lyric line. The vocals show the wonderful range of the lead singer. Enjoy!

One Little Victory -- Rush

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